Page 13 - Racing To Excellence
P. 13
Introductory Address · Bowie State
But you know, it’s not just on the courts and There’s great opportunity to grow the
the fields and in the classrooms and the labs endowment — building on the success of the
that I get that sense of spirit and pride at $15 million campaign. How wonderful to
Bowie State University. It is truly evident as have surpassed the $15 million fundraising
you just drive around the campus, as my goal! That truly deserves a round of
husband and I did just about two weeks ago. applause! And as an advancement person, I
We just decided to take a long drive down have to set the next line, and anyone in
from Lancaster. It wasn’t that long actually – fundraising knows, we can’t stop there.
a little over two hours. We got down here. It We’ve got to keep that momentum going
was a nice day. The sun was out, and we because there is still need among our
just decided to just get to know the area, to students. There is still need to have the
get to know the campus more. And no one resources that we need to continue the
was expecting us, so we were just driving excellence that is here.
around and as we drove around the campus
a few individuals from the facilities staff
And as president, I will advocate for
recognizes us. I saw a double take. But they supports necessary for Bowie State
greeted me so warmly. The waves were University to operate. There is opportunity
going. It was great! Thank you, guys. Thank to garner and advocate for the resources
you, facilities staff. That was wonderful! You needed to support the academic mission,
were the first group I saw as we came onto promote the success and history of the
the campus, and I really enjoyed those warm university, and to support the development
waves. But then, as we drove around the and growth of distinctive and niche
campus, we encountered students who were
academic programs. With the Board of
cleaning up the campus. They had trash Regents, in concert with the Chancellor, and
bags in hand, and it was a Sunday morning. I a focused and strong leadership team, I am
won’t ask what happened that brought about optimistic that Bowie State University will
all the trash. That’s a story for another time continue to demonstrate the value for
too. I will leave it at that. supporting public higher education.
But there are just so many signs of But, as competition for students intensifies,
excellence around here where people take I still am very, very optimistic when I look
pride. Individuals – the faculty, staff and at the increased enrollment of the first-year
students – take pride in what you’re doing. students for Bowie State. I’m optimistic that
And that’s what I want to be a part of. we will continue to grow the enrollment, but
let’s make sure we don’t take our eye off the
And when I scan this region and see goal. And the goal isn’t just to enroll
companies and businesses that are looking students here. The goal is to get students
to universities to ensure a talented through, to retain them and to graduate
workforce, I see opportunity for partnerships them.
and collaboration toward ensuring economic
vitality for this region, while also advancing
our educational mission.
Introductory Address · Bowie State University