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Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State
Since I arrived on July 1, I have been finding So students you have achieved a great deal
my way around new surroundings—meeting already, and you are on a positive trajectory
new people and finding new places. I am towards a bright future with opportunity to
also learning some of the most important expand your knowledge of the world and
lessons such as where to get a good crab reach a level of learning that few are
cake and how to properly pronounce afforded.
Maryland. I was corrected about the
pronunciation of Maryland - “Merleland"? I No other time in your life will afford this
will admit, I am still working on that; and so, same type of opportunity, to be among such
I ask forgiveness if this Philly girl doesn’t a community of learners. So take advantage
quite have the pronunciation together just of all that you have here at BSU – the time to
yet. explore various fields, attend a performance,
take an elective course just because you are
I also suspect that as you sit here today that passionate about a topic, enroll in a study-
some of you were able to traverse your abroad opportunity and explore the world
earlier educational experience with relative outside of this region, or visit with a faculty
ease to arrive at this point, while others member to delve deeper into a subject.
traveled along a bumpier and perhaps less
certain road. Whatever path you took, take Early on in your academic experience,
pride and savor the journey and your students, you will be asked to declare an
area of study, and while you will choose
your discipline—education, psychology,
You have arrived. biology, chemistry etc., I challenge you to
go a step beyond and ask yourself and
Each first-year class is unique. This year we challenge yourself: “to what end will I use
my knowledge, unique talents and abilities?
have a record number of students—1,077
students (up 12.3% from last year). While What is the purpose for the education and
most of this class hails from the various learning I will acquire here at BSU?" For all
counties within the State of Maryland, 19 that you will learn and take from BSU, to
states and the District of Columbia are also what end will you use that knowledge?
represented. This first-year class also
includes international students from Saudi Nelson Mandela once said that “What counts
Arabia, Nigeria, India, and Cameroon. in life is not the mere fact that we have
lived. It is what difference we have made to
And all of you, regardless of your place of the lives of others that will determine the
origin, or your circumstances, you are on a significance of the life we lead.”
promising pathway that not all who desire
higher education are able to realize.
The National Information Center for Higher
Education reports that in 2015 just 35.6% of
18-24 year olds were enrolled in college.
Fall 2017 Convocation · Bowie State University