Page 19 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 19

Kingdom News has partnered
                              with  ROCAN  to  conduct  a
                              Shoot-A-Thon.    The  purpose
                              of  this  Shoot-A-Thon  is  to
                              assist  ROCAN  with  meals
                              and snacks for the Youth for                                My name is Jhondell Harris
                              this  summer.    As  mentioned                              born  June  6,1978  in  New
                              previously,  the  services  pro-                            Orleans, LA.   The meaning
                              vided to the youth of ROCAN                                 of  my  name  means
           are provided at no cost. The Shoot-A-Thon is al-                               strength  and  calmness.    I
           so a fun way for the children to participate and                               could  only  learn  the  true
           give back to the organization they love.   This is
           your  opportunity  to  assist  this  program  that  is                         meaning of who I was des-
           making a difference for today’s youth.                                         tined to be after I received
           All donation will be turned into ROCAN and the
           funds  will  be  used  for  the  intended  purposes      I am a Gospel Rapper who spits rhymes for Jesus.
           listed  above.    ROCAN  is  a  501C3  organization      This type of music inspires me and is used as a
           and all donations will be receipted for tax purpos-
           es.                                                      method of reaching the youth and open the door
                                                                    for opportunities to minister to them.  The Lord de-
           RULES OF THE SHOOT-A-THON                                livered me from the street life, from drugs and from
           Each  child  that  participates  will  have  an  oppor-  the feeling hopelessness. My Inspirations are my
           tunity to shoot 50 baskets.  Pledges can be made         struggles  that  I  had  to  endure  because  I  have
           per basket made, a flat donation, or based on skill      learned that my pain was not just for me, but for
           level.                                                   those I am to encounter in my journey.

           This will be a fun day and the center will provide
           hotdogs, chips and drinks for those that come to         My children are my world and it is them that keeps
           this event.                                              me motivated to do right, for them.  My main ob-
                                                                    jective is to introduce a hurting world to a Greater
           Follow  R.O.C.A.N.  on  Facebook  to  know  the          Healer  that  will  love  them  regardless  of  what
           dates.  (We had to reschedule from June 3rd due          they've been through or where they come from. My
           to  weather,  but  a  new  date  will  be  determined
           soon).  For  more  information  on  how  to  support     gifts  are  Prophesy,  Healing,  restoration  and  the
           the children, contact Mr. Leifel Jackson.                ability  to  display  genuine  love.  My  Testimony  is
                                                                    that I was a drug dealer, I was a womanizer, I was
           FaceBook: Leifel Jackson                                 an  alcoholic,  and  I  was  a  drug  addict;  but  God
           E-Mail:                               heard  my  prayers.    God  began  to  show  me  the
           Phone: 501-744-4898
                                                                    things He needed me to do in order to build His
           If you are unable to sponsor a child or make a mon-      Kingdom.  I couldn’t believe it, but I was willing to
           etary donation, but wish you purchase items your-        step  out  in  faith  and  trust  the  Father.    He  didn’t
           self and donate them to ROCAN, below is a list of        count me out! I want to encourage you right now
           items that the center uses on a regular basis:           as well, He won’t count you out either!  I urge you
           •   Cheese Crackers    Donations can be delivered        to press toward the mark of the higher calling of
           •   Peanut Butter Crackers   to  the  center  located  at   God, there is purpose within you.
           •   Cookies/Chip/Popcorn   1201  E  4   Street,  North
           •   Roman Noodles      Little  Rock,  AR  72114.
           •   Drinks/Fruit Cups   You  can  also  contact  Mr.
           •   Pizza/Hot Dogs
           •   Bread/Lunch Meat   Jackson  at  to  make  ar-
                                  rangements.  Thank  you  in
           •   Hamburgers/Buns    advance for your support.
           •  Corn Dogs & More
                                                                                      Kingdom     News   Magazine   ~ 19
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