Page 15 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 15

God’s Prophetic Word Revealed in the Dreams of Alysha Ward

                   he Lord deals with me in dreams.  He has given me the ability to remember my dreams very
                   vividly and with a great revelation of what was actually happening within the dreams.  He will
                   show me various scenarios and will break down the purpose and meaning of each person with-

                   in the dream and why they were present and what it is this person represents.
          As I was praying for what the Lord wanted me to share in this article, He did it in the format to which I
          am use to, in a dream…  It is at this time I would like to share with you the dream and the Word given
          to me for this assignment:

                 In my dream, last night God showed me a young adult that I know in real life. She's in a
                 difficult situation. Her mother is 50 years old and has never been married. She's had mul-
                 tiple partners but has never been able to get anyone to marry her. Her daughter is walk-
                 ing in her footsteps. In my dream, I saw the Lord giving the daughter a way out but she
                 refused to leave the presence of the mother. This is what I heard the Lord say when I
                 woke up. "Some of you have been born into families with generational curses. You're in
                 bondage to things like a Jezebel spirit, sex, drugs, etc.

                 I have come to set you free from those things but as long as you continue to stay connect-
                 ed to the source of the curse you will never be set free. You want intimacy with me but
                 you also want to stay with the thing that has been holding you back. You're going to have
                 to make a choice.

                 Deuteronomy 30:15 says, "Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and
                 death,  between  prosperity  and  disaster."  Listen  young  people  if  someone  gives  you  a
                 choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster, it should be easy to pick
                 life but why do so many of you pick death? Ask yourself this question then go and pray
                 and ask God to give you the strength to turn away from the things that have been holding
                 you back.
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                 Choose life young people. Choose life. Amen?                                     Copy Today!!!

          I pray that you make a conscious decision to choose                                          $9.99

          life and to walk into the things God has for you.  You                              Contact her on Facebook
          can never go wrong when you follow the Lord.  God                                      to place your order.
          is our creator and desires for you to be free from the                               Also Available on Amazon

          cares of this world, that is why Jesus died on the cross                              Prices may be higher on Amazon
          for you and me.  I pray that this dream and vision God
          gave me blessed you.

                                                                           Alysha Emmanuel's House Ward

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