Page 12 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 12
alley Support Innovation (GSI) is partment of Career Education and Immerse
located in the heart of Sherwood, Arkansas. Each of these organizations
Arkansas. Mrs. Gina Radke and have one main thing in common to invest in
G husband, Mr. Wade Radke the lives of people both adult and children
are the owner and operators of the organi- to bring about a better outcome.
zation. GSI is a family owned and operat-
ed business and they strive to provide a Recently, GSI sponsored the Graduation
product that exceeds industry standards celebration for the Youth at Immerse Ar-
and we never settle for less. GSI is the kansas. We cooked, served and fellow-
leading designer and manufacturer of inte- shipped with Immerse Youth. Immerse is a
rior hardware. GSI specializes in aircraft program to assist youth that are aging out
interior hardware such as; Galley Latches, of foster care. We have recently hired one
Galley Hardware, Quarter Turn Retainers, of youth that the owners mentor. He recent-
Door Bolting Systems, Ashtrays, Cup Hold- ly obtained his GED and driver’s license.
ers, and much more. GSI has connected Immerse Arkansas to
Department of Workforce to receive soft
The Radke’s believe in a holistic approach skill and registration for their WIOA and
to business: take care of your customers OJT programs.
and they will come back; take care of your
employees and they will produce a quality The partnership with Immerse Arkansas
product; take care of your suppliers and and GSI has been a great success. The
they will take care of you. values of the Radke’s fits well with the mis-
sion and vision of Immerse Arkansas,
Galley Support Innovations (GSI) is a Faith which is – “Walking with youth in crisis to-
Based second chance hiring manufacturing ward Hope, Help and Healing.” As men-
company. We manufacture interior hard- tioned before Immerse helps those youth
ware for Aircraft, Luxury RV’s Yacht’s and who are aging out of foster care and head-
so much more, but our first product is peo- ing into the world as an adult. Immerse
ple, we invest in the lives of others. helps the youth in many areas of life such
as providing ways of getting their GED,
GSI has collaborated with several pro- helping them overcome any type of alcohol
grams in the community such as Union or drug addiction, as well as offer love and
Rescue Mission, The Call, CoHO, ADWS, support. Many times, new family bonds are
AEDD, Arkansas Promise Arkansas De- created when those biological bonds have
been compromised. Many of the young
people have to overcome internal feels of
12 ~ Kingdom Magazine