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Gods divine for each of us. This new book is dedicated
to my Cover Girls that are behind a natural or emotion-
al wall. Just like Rahab, you are someone that everyone
gave up on. Some people may look at you like a mag-
got or a worm, but worms really turn into butterflies
and are destined to fly. The harlot Rahab was a Mon-
arch, Queen of the Butterflies. She turned out to be a
perfect example showing us how God can rehabilitate
your life and give you a second chance.
Working with these ladies confirmed that we are called
to love, not judge. The proof was always there in the
BIBLE!! That is where I discovered the stories of all the
Dr. Dorie McKnight broken people God used to lead the way. I had heard
teachings about their victories that display their suc-
cess, but not a lot about lessons from their struggles.
pals to me from examining their personal pain. We Every time we discussed a new story, it became a mis-
have to deal with our struggles and pain if we want to sion to set yet another cover girl free. Unlocking the
heal properly and develop a better future!! Unfortu- prison doors of their mind became my mission. God
nately, so many times we are so focused on looking for continued to open doors for me to share CGITC with
the fruit in people. We forget their need for someone ex-victims of human trafficking, as well. From the pris-
to help dig up the root so they can be fully rehabilitated. on to the streets, I AM determined to find the next
It is a humbling thing when someone trusts and allows Monarch Queen!!
you into a personal place they have guarded most of
their lives. A place where they kept their secrets that Just like the butterfly, I too will
held them back from obtaining a positive future. Now, awaken in my own time.
they were hearing, “Dream again and recover it all!” Is Deborah Chaskin
this possible? Absolutely!
It looks easy to just walk away, but it’s a learning pro-
cess to get up and get out. If the mindset doesn’t’ A Few of God's Cover Girls:
Rahab: Healing What Your Hiding
change, the chaos will follow you no matter where you
Eve: How to Be the Original You
go. If fear has a grip on your mind, it will lock you up and
stall any forward progress. It takes time to break- Sarah & Hagar: Birth Your Own Promise
through what has been covered for years, but it can be Abigail: I Married a Food
done. Some of the women in the Bible did not have a Bathsheba: The Cost of a Cover-Up
perfect start, but these under estimated ladies finished Naomi & Ruth: The Payback for Having
well and made it into the Book of Life. My Back
Today, ten years later, Covers Girls has been revised
and additional Cover Girls have been added. Not only in CONTACT US
Facebook: Cover Girls in the Church or
the book but we found out, Cover Girls is a movement. McKnight Enterprises
We have discovered, uncovered and recovered new Website:
Phone: 612.314.6171
Cover Girls along the way. Each story has its own begin- E-Mail:
ning and ended. The stories are personal and contain
Kingdom News Magazine ~ 11