Page 7 - Kingdom News Edition 4
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intensive trainings and mental health counseling          academic year as well as positive personal life.
          to serve as a liaison and advocate for those that         Black  youth  make  up  19%  of  the  state  youth
          may suffer from a mental illness. He is a man of          population.  But  represents  57%  of  all  kids
          many  talents,  and  he  enjoys  conducting  work-        locked up according to the Arkansas Division of
          shops  and  forums  concerning  Mental  Health,           Youth Services. This has been a call to duty for
          Tobacco  Cessation  and  Social  Justice  Issues          both  organizations  to  design  a  platform  for
          that  affect  people  abroad.  He  currently  works       youth males (ages 10-18) in the state to become
          for  the  Department  of  Human  Services  as  a          a part of this life changing summit. There will
          Medicaid Specialist.                                      be workshops designed to promote social rela-
                                                                    tionships among peer groups, self-reflection, as
                                                                    well  solutions  for  positive  coping  skills  and
                                                                    problem  solutions.  Parents  can  register  their
                                                                    youths at

                                                                                                 Lorenzo  states  that
                                                                                                 he  is  inspired  by
                                                                                                 community  leaders
                                                                                                 and  the  work  that
                                                                                                 has  motivated  him
                                                                                                 to  ignite  his  own
                                                                                                 platform.        Tara
                                                                                                 Sheppard  Speaker,
                                                                                                 Trainer  and  Advo-
                                                                    cate  for  women  founder  of  At  Promise  Girls;
                                                                    Edmond Davis, who is an Educator, Historian,
                                                                    and  founder  of  ATK  non-profit  organization;
                                                                    Dr. John Miller, Associate Professor University
          Beginning August 26, 2017 at the University of            of Arkansas at Little Rock and past President of
          Central  Arkansas,  Mr.  Lewis  is  joining  forces       100  Black  Men  of  Little  Rock;  also  Dedjaran
          with Mirror Me Inc., a father son clothing and            Dunbar, a Community Leader, Contributor, and
          shoe company.  Fredrick Washington will pro-              Activist.  Mr. Lewis states that it took the Lord
          duce a first-time Boys Summit for males aged              to  put  these  people  in  place  to  mentor,  guide,
          10-18 years old in Central Arkansas. This initia-         and inspire him to do the courageous work that
                                                                    is  being  done.  Lorenzo  lives  by  Philippians
                                                                    4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which
                                                                    strengthen me.” This has been a breast of seeing
                                                                    it through in all avenues of living and without
                                                                    the Lord in place, this work cannot be done ef-
                                                                    fectively.  “Living  by  purpose  and  through  the
                                                                    Lord’s wills, I could not request a better life to
                                                                    live,” states Mr. Lorenzo.

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                                                                                    of Our Work!

                                                                       Embrace your chance to donate to L&J
                                                                       Empowerment's Community Services.
          tive  will  be  able  to  produce  a  bigger  offset
          while targeting mostly at risk-youth that are in              Website:
          Conway Public School District. Reported there                 E-Mail:
          are 76% percent totaled troubled youth in Con-                         Phone: 501.960.0527
          way Public Schools this is a platform to engage
          the males that are being requested for a positive

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