Page 6 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 6

L                               University  of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. Lorenzo
                                             orenzo  Lewis
                                             is  a  native  of
                                                                   states  that  this  was  one  of  the  worst  things  to
                                             Little  Rock,
                                                                   endure,  and  remember  how  hard  it  was  to
                                             Arkansas  and
                                   has  a  passion  of  em-        achieve graduation in years after. It resulted in
                                                                   three  years additional of undergraduate studies
                                   powering people to be           as  well  as  emotional  issues  that  lasted  longer
                                   their  best  and  over-         than expected.  The Confess Project was a way
                                   come  obstacles  in  or-        to express how to create solutions while utiliz-
                                   der to achieve a bright         ing practical data in a workshop format.
                                   future.    He  is  a  2015
         graduate  of  Arkansas  Baptist  College  and  re-        He  recently  began  the  Lorenzo  Lewis  Annual
         cently graduated from Webster University with             Scholarship Program for male and students en-
         a Master of Public Administration. Mr. Lewis is           rolled at Arkansas Baptist College majoring in
         ranked in the Top Ten of the upcoming graduat-            Behavioral Sciences.
         ing class of 2017, bolstering a GPA of 3.56.

         He  holds  memberships  with  the    Pine  Bluff
         Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
         Inc., a member of the 100 Greater Black Men of
         Little Rock, part of the Chamber of Commerce,
         a member National Alliance Mental Institute as
         well  as  a  Deacon  at  Mt.  Pleasant  Baptist

         Lorenzo  is  the  Founder/Executive  Director  of
         L&J  Empowerment;  a  501c  (3)  community                His  career  has  centered  on  Public  Service  and
         based organization.  L&J Empowerment is the               assisting those in need. During his time working
         umbrella organization from which The Confess              in youth care for Arkansas Juvenile Assessment
         Project is operated under.                                Treatment Center, the spark for service was ig-
                                                                   nited. It was then; that he figured out his mis-
         While  beginning  his  nonprofit  organization  he        sion would be to serve others.  Given his exten-
         saw the need to create a curriculum based agen-           sive work tenure in Case Management and Out-
         da for males who are between the ages of 18-34            patient Services at Rivendell Behavioral Health
         years old. The Confess Project which is a based           Services  in  Benton,  Arkansas,  and  Birch  Tree
         emotional health curriculum for males that are            Living  Community,  as  well  as  Methodist  Be-
         currently residing in college /institutions. Stud-        havioral Hospital, Lorenzo is highly capable of
         ies  show  that  nearly  30%  males  are  suffering       enlightening  the  public  about  the  inner  work-
         from depression and or related trauma while in            ings of Mental Health and available services.
         school  performing  academically.  This  was  a
         personal passion as he endured a tragic situation         In addition to an wielding an arsenal of experi-
         as  college  sophomore  in  August  2009  at  the         ence,  Mr.  Lewis  has  been  well  equipped  with

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