Page 10 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 10
I th your past cover girl experiences and help these women
n April 2007, I was blessed to birth and be the mother
of a book called Cover Girls in the Church, The 11
recover all!
Commandment, Thou Shall Not Tell. I wondered why
After much prayer and counseling, I came to this conclu-
we as women stayed in a cycle of dysfunction from our
sion - if we don’t deal with our own issues, we will remain
prisoners in our mind and continue to hold others prison-
ers, too. It is up to us to use the Word of God, the key that
unlocks our mental prison doors. So, I began a journey back
through my life, from momma’s house to God’s house. I
saw the problem. I saw a pattern of right and wrong things
that were covered up that needed to be addressed. I real-
ized the negative words in my mind created ideas and
thoughts that helped form dysfunctional patterns in my
house to the church house. I started seeing where we were
not healed from past hurts which manifests in our actions.
We were taught to name it and claim it and accept, we
were changed just by asking God for forgiveness even
though our fruit was bitter. We were sitting in the church
covering up so much. As a teacher, I needed some exam-
ples I could use without exposing anyone and God showed
me some of His Cover Girls in the Bible. How could God use
a bunch of messed up women to build and birth the
Never in a million years did I see this lesson being taught in
book clubs, Bible schools, Bible studies, conferences, colleg-
es, television and cable shows. We were honored to have
the founder of Kingdom News, Erica McGraw to be our
producer! Later a stage play emerged from this same book After losing my job in 2008, I started teaching CGITC as a
and message downloaded from the throne. Today women way to stay active while seeking employment, but it soon
in rehabilitation centers and ex-trafficking victims are bene- turned into a passionate love affair! I found some lost
fiting from the healing messages of recovery. God will take church family members behind the prison walls.
It was the Excellent Teacher who revealed precious princi-
10 ~ Kingdom Magazine