Page 8 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 8
Article By
Tashona Marshall
A Generation Unwilling to Compromise
T tion that watched those who their God like Daniel. How do
he millennial genera-
tion is one the most
you do this in the face of so
were nameless become instant
stars based on a 30 second
much temptation? How do you
informed generations
to ever walk the plan-
nessed malls give way to the
et. With your exposure to social sound clip. You have wit- stay sacred and relevant?
media outlets, 24-hour news chan- rise of Amazon, and It becomes important that op-
nels and continuous ability to ex- bookstores close in disbelief to portunities are carved out in
press your views and opinions, an online platform that de- your churches, your regions
it is not shocking that you are mands access across all re- and your communities that
indeed a well-informed and gions. make space and room for your
intelligent generation. Daily individuality, while not
Yet, with all of this comes this squelching the creative energy
generation’s greatest chal- that God is unlocking. This is
lenge. This generation is faced the season for the dancers to
with how to remain sacred come forth, the actresses, the
while embracing the platforms scientists, musicians and ath-
that God has opened. You are letes. God is moving young
faced with ideas that defy what people from the confines of
you believe about God, holi- church campuses to the depth
ness and religion. You are of college campuses where you
charged with the mandate from can demonstrate your love for
heaven to present your bodies Christ. Yet, you must be able
a living sacrifice, and balanc- to say like Joseph, “I will not
ing that with the world’s de- sin against God.”
mand to be relevant. It is in
this crisis of identity that God He stated this in the midst of
is summoning this generation great temptation. Potiphar’s
to a place of holiness, fresh wife offered her body to him
you live out the dreams and revelation and insight. He is without restraint. Potiphar’s
wife was beautiful and power-
revelations of your ancestors. looking for young people who ful. It could have been Jo-
You walk in arenas and circles recognize that they can be gift- seph’s ticket to easy living
that cross cultural and racial ed and talented like Joseph, but while being away from his
lines with ease. You are also be unapologetic about
strong, gifted and talented. It is
this generation that has experi-
enced the rise of YouTube as a
platform to showcase your tal-
ent, and it is this very genera-
8 ~ Kingdom Magazine