Page 9 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 9
except you, because you are
family. She would have hidden perience the fulfillment of the
his indiscretion from her hus- his wife. How then could I do dream he had seen as a youth
such a wicked thing and sin
band. She saw his handsome- against God?” 10 And though in the field with his father.
ness and only wanted an op- she spoke to Joseph day after This too can be your portion. It
portunity to be with him. One will not be easy to walk with
time would not hurt, right? She day, he refused to go to bed integrity, but I promise that on
with her or even be with
desired to be the object of his her” (Genesis 39:9-10). the other side of the temptation
desire; if he was simply willing is a blessing from God.
to give in to her advances. Joseph made a decision, and
quite simply it was that he
Joseph was alone, betrayed by would not sin against God.
his brothers and away from the
sight of his mother and father. Will you too make that deci-
Here was a woman gladly of- sion?
fering her affection. He was God is unlocking in this gener-
faced with a dilemma. He most ation a creativity that is un-
surely must have had questions matched by past generations.
for God. This was the same He is unfolding mysteries, and
allowing you to experience
success in the marketplace and
in the Kingdom, simultaneous- Tashona Marshall is a native of the
ly. Yet, this gift does not come Chicagoland area. Her passion for
without a price. There will be God is not limited to the confines
temptations that will be easy to of the church, but impacts the
give in to. It will appear at marketplace as well. She has
times that there is no one there worked as a Teacher, Principal
that will see it. The whisper to and Grant Coordinator. Current-
ly, she is the HR Manager of a
small company, and teaches Eng-
God that had given him a lish to ESL students part-time.
dream that his family would
bow before him, but how could
that be when he was far re- Tashona knows her call is to min-
moved from everyone? Why ister healing, deliverance and for-
didn’t God show him that he giveness through the word of God.
would be betrayed, belittled Her service to God’s people is not
and alone? How could God give in and compromise will limited to the church campus, but
forget this part of the story? He scream loudly while you are her compassion, love for God, and
was now in the midst of the alone. Yet, those who God will her ability to hear and move ac-
greatest temptation he had raise up are those who say I cording to God’s leading is shared
faced. She was beautiful, but refuse to sin against God. I will in the marketplace. She currently
she was married. No one not compromise who He has serves as a part of the Presbytery at
would know, right? made me to be. Will there be Greater Works Ministries Interna-
betrayal? Yes. Will there be tional, where she leads the pro-
However, amid this battle Jo- times where you feel as if you
seph demonstrates a blueprint are alone? Certainly; even Jo- phetic team. Tashona comes pre-
that we must understand, em- seph faced this after not giving pared to “uproot, and tear down,
brace and apply. Instead of to destroy and overthrow, to build
compromising his integrity, in. He was betrayed and later and to plant." – Jeremiah 1:10.
and defying his character, he thrown in prison. It would take
years of sacrifice, loneliness
responds quite simply:
and isolation, but God’s word
“No one is greater in this over his life did become a real-
house than I am. My master ity, and Joseph was able to ex-
has withheld nothing from me
Kingdom News Magazine ~ 9