Page 14 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 14
Visionary, Entrepreneur, Consultant, Author, and Motivational Speaker
C Now, upon his graduation ed his first company at just
ourtland J. Man-
ning, CJ, was born
from college, Manning reflects 18 years old. CJ is the Found-
on the trials and tribulations er of Courtland James Enter-
to his 12-year-old
mother. Despite the
in a variety of different entre-
cess in this debut novel, Blind-
circumstances of CJs entry that ultimately led to his suc- prises and has been involved
into this world, he did have a folded: How A Young Man preneurial ventures. CJ au-
loving grandmother that Found the Courage to See. He thored his first book at age
played a large role in raising 21. His book Blindfolded has
him along with the support of received rave reviews from
his very large family, which Available students, educators, and com-
included his great grandpar- on Amazon! munity leaders across the
ents. country and is set to be re-
Get Your leased in 2017.
As a native of Denver, Colo- Copy
rado; CJ avoided gangs, Today! As a consultant CJ works
drugs, violence, and medioc- closely with clients to develop
rity that claimed the life of leaders and coaches them to
many of his childhood achieve high performance and
friends. He is the first in his recounts deep personal experi- ultimately reach their person-
immediate family to go to ences from selling drugs at the al objectives through his per-
college and earn numerous age of 10 to graduating from sonal experience. CJ has also
leadership awards, academic college and launching a suc- become a very popular speaker
honors, and scholarships. CJ cessful business career. His who shares a truly inspiring
graduated from the Univer- goal is to encourage life- story and is known for being
sity of Colorado Boulder's changing revelations in indi- thoughtful in how he engages
Leeds School of Business in viduals around the country - his audience along with shar-
the Fall of 2016 with degrees claiming that the least likely ing innovative strategies he
in Business Strategy & En- to succeed can, in fact, remove has put to use to achieve suc-
trepreneurship and Organi- their blindfolds, see clearly cess. His talks include topics
zational Leadership with a and walk their path to great- related to personal develop-
minor degree in Corporate ness. ment, leadership development,
Social Responsibility. personal branding, and suc-
CJ is a young but very accom- cess.
plished individual who start-
14 ~ Kingdom Magazine