Page 18 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 18

There is so much more to Mr. Jackson’s sto-
          ry  and  I  do  want  to  touch  two  more  great
          parts  before  closing.    The  first  is  what  Mr.
          Jackson refers to as his best life changing mo-
          ment  in  life.    After  his  release,  he  began  to
          attend speaking engagements where he would
          be  the  keynote  speaker  and  tell  of  his  jour-
          ney.  Well he attended a 2-Day Training for               Reaching  Our  Children  and  Neighborhoods
          Job Corp in Kentucky where he met Retired                 (ROCAN)  is  a  non-profit  organization  in  North
          General  Billy  Cooper,  who  was  a  four-star           Little Rock whose mission is to make a positive
          general  in  the  United  States  Army.    After          impact for our children and community.  We in-
                                     Gen.  Cooper  heard            fluence  positive  growth  in  the  children  and
                                     Jackson’s  story,  he          neighborhoods in which we have.  Our goal is to
                                     said to him, “you do           create a safe and productive community through
                                                                    economic growth and strong social development.
                                     not  owe  the  United
                                     States  anything  else,        ROCAN was formed by Mr. Leifel Jackson and
                                     your  debt  to  your
                                     country  has  been
                                     paid  in  full.”    Even
                                     with the pardon, from
          the  Governor,  these  words  to  this  day  reso-
          nates  in  the  mind  of  Mr.  Jackson.    He  has
          turned his life around and moving in a com-
          plete different direction.  An interesting point
          is that although he has turned his life around
          and doing positive things for the community,
          there is still a respect for him in the streets.
          He tirelessly encourages them to come up out
          of that lifestyle.

          Finally,  Lefiel’s  number
          one joy is his daughter, Na-
          dia.    He  is  a  single  father                         ten  volunteers,  working  with  30  children.    Cur-
          and has successfully raised                               rently, ROCAN is able to provide a safe place to
          her since age 3.  He loves                                come afterschool for approximately 20 to 25 chil-
          his  little  lady  who  is  now                           dren and 30 to 35 during the summer months.
          15  years  old.    He  shared
          some  cute  stories  about                                Statistics shows that the hours of 3:00 pm to 6:00
          her, and when he spoke of                                 pm are the peak times for children to experiment
                                                                    with  alcohol,  drugs,  cigarettes,  crime,  sex  and
          his little girl; his light got a                          violence.  This fact is one of many reasons why
          little brighter and his smile                             ROCAN Afterschool Care Programs were devel-
          grew a little bigger.                                     oped.

          The moral and purpose of this story is to two-            All services provided to the children and commu-
          fold.  First, don’t count anyone out.  There is           nity are free of charge.  The children are provided
          always the possibility to make a change one’s             nutritional  snacks  and  meal,  participate  in  fun
          life.  Secondly, our children need to be loved            activities,  and  are  shown  love  by  the  staff  that
          and nurtured, while being directed in the right           works hard to provide them a safe place to play
          steps.                                                    and grow.  The center is a home away from home
                                                                    for youth ages 5 to 16 years of age.

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