Page 17 - Kingdom News Edition 4
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Tree to encourage those in attendance that this County Our Club Program. In our interview,
tree was proof that those in the gangs can Mr. Jackson said his Achilles heel is children
come together and do great things, There was and he is always encouraging them to do well
hope for peace in the city. Mr. Jackson shared in school as well as in the community. After
that it was during this demonstration of peace his release, he began working with organiza-
that the Little Rock Police thought it was a tions to help tackle youth violence and it was
good opportunity to capture him. Weapons through this work that Governor Mike Beebe
were draw by the police and then by Jackson’s pardoned Mr. Jackson. See, his story is very
crew. The Mayor told the officers to stand similar to that of Saul who later became Paul.
down and not to interrupt this demonstra-
tion. It was at this time Mr. Jackson promised Ted Turner, the founder of the Cable News
to turn himself in once the peace demonstra- Network, had learned of Liefel Jackson’s story
tion was over. and his passion for children and donated
$5,000 to the Our Club Program. It was
Being a man of his word, through this donation that it was determined
when the demonstration that Mr. Jackson needed to develop his own
was over, Mr. Jackson organization. So, with the help of Anita Dove,
turned himself in to the Reaching Our Children and Neighborhoods
Little Rock Police depart- (R.O.C.A.N.) was established in
ment. Senator Bill Walk- 2004. R.O.C.A.N. is a non-profit organization
er stood with him. in North Little Rock and has a mission to
Strangely, the LRPD did make a positive impact for our children and
not want to receive
him. Then Mr. Jackson
went to the North Little Rock Police Depart-
ment and was able to turn himself into the
U.S. Marshalls, He was processed and taken
into custody.
Why wouldn’t the police departments want to
take a known gang leader who was willingly
turning himself in? It was because of the pow-
erful influence and connections Mr. Jackson
had. Because of that influence, Mr. Jackson
spent his ten-year incarceration in five differ-
ent penitentiaries. He also had to spend much
of his time isolated. He spent an entire year in community. They influence positive growth
solitary confinement. It was during this time in the children and neighborhoods and their
that he would study and read, strengthening goal is to create a safe and productive commu-
the transformation that had already took place. nity through economic growth and strong so-
It was through his many hours of reading that cial development. During the school year,
he began to realize the impact and damage that they operate an afterschool program and dur-
drug dealing causes within the community. ing the summer months they provide a safe
place for children to come and interact with
He was released from prison in 2001. Mr. their peers, while learning as well. The pro-
Jackson knew some high officials within the gram takes the children on field trips; the cen-
state government, one being Senator Bill Wal- ter feeds them meals and snacks; and, most
ter, who believed in Leifel and offered him a importantly, showers them with love and en-
job to be his assistant. Shortly after that, Mr. couragement.
Jackson became the director of the Pulaski
Kingdom News Magazine ~ 17