Page 16 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 16

By Erica McGraw

                                                                   15  and in the beginning the tree was all blue,
          During  my  interview  with  Leifel  Jackson,  I         but  by  Christmas  Day,  the  Peace  Tree  was
          was truly amazed at the testimony he shared.  I          adorned with both red and blue decorations to
          just sat and listened to what he said, realizing         represent  the  two  major  gangs  in  Little
          his big heart. His words painted a portrait of           Rock.  The efforts were to Stop the Violence
          compassion for the children of the community             that was happening within the city.
          and a desire to bring the community together
          as a whole.                                              Mr.  Jackson  also  would  take  children  shop-
                                                                   ping  for  gifts  during  the  holiday  season  for
          As  Mr.  Jackson  was  sharing,  I  saw  a  gentle       things they needed and wanted.   I was amazed
          spirit within him.  Those words may not have             and thought this was after his time in prison.
          defined Mr. Jackson in his former life, but he           Since I knew some of his story, I thought this
          has  made  a  complete  turnaround.    His  story
          reminds me of the story of Saul of Tarsus in
          the Bible when he had his Damascus Road ex-
          perience.    Saul was notorious  for killing and
          persecuting Christians. But after his encounter
          with Jesus Christ; he began to protect them by
          sharing  the  wisdom  he  gained  so  that  their
          lives could improve.

          One may ask, “Who is Leifel Jackson?”

                                         Leifel  Jackson  is
                                         the  founder  of
                                         Little      Rock’s        was  after  he  had  been  incarcerated.    I  asked
                                         “Original  Gang-          Mr.  Jackson,  “When  did  you  transition  from
                                         ster Crips” in the        being the OG Shot Caller to being a Commu-
                                         early  1980s.    As       nity Activist?”  “Before my time in prison”, he
                                         he  was  sharing          replied, “I was already on my way out of that
                                         his  story,  he  be-      lifestyle prior to my time in prison.”  He knew
                                         gan     to   speak        there was more to life than the lifestyle he was
          about the Peace Tree that was established by             living and had a desire to do more for his com-
          the  Crips  in  Centennial  Park.    There  was  a       munity.  That is why the Peace Tree was such
          public  announcement  that  stated  this  area  is       a pivotal moment in Lefiel’s life, he was mov-
          sacred  and  neutral  territory  for  Crips  and         ing toward a more peaceful lifestyle.
          Bloods.    The  tree  was  set  up  on  December
                                                                   One fateful day, The City of Little Rock had a
                                                                   community  event  centered  around  the  Peace
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