Page 13 - Kingdom News Edition 4
P. 13

emotions  that  are  built  up  on  the  inside                        OUR LEADERS
          such as unforgiveness, anger, etc.
                                                                                      Gina Radke
          The Radke’s have dedicated their lives to                                   Chief Executive Officer
          helping  others  and  have  committed  to                                     Gina  Radke  has  served  as
          mentoring  the  youth  of  Immerse  in  hopes                               CEO  of  Galley  Support  In-
          to provide healing in their lives, so they can                              novations  since  2007.  She
          grow  up  and  be  successful  in  their  adult                             is  an  International  Trade
          lives.                                                                      Advisor       to     Congress,
                                                                                      serves  on  the  Governor’s
                TESTIMONY FROM STAFF                                                  Career      Education        and
                                                                  Workforce  Development  Board  and  is  well
                           Shirley Winfrey                        known  for  her  involvement  in  community
                           Human Resources                        service.

                           I  have  the  opportunity  to                              Wade Radke
                           work  for  the  Most  amazing                              Chief Operations Officer
                           productive  caring  company
                           in the world. We may not be                                Wade Radke holds Bache-
          a  fortune  500  company  according  to  the                                lors’  Degrees  in  Computer
          world  of earthly  business,  but  in  Kingdom                              Science,  Industrial  Engi-
          business we are a fortune 1000 Company.                                     neering, and Aviation Man-
          It  is  a  privilege  and  an  honor  to  work  for                         agement.        He      proudly
          Galley Support Innovations.  There is nev-                                  served his country for over
          er  a  day  that  I  want  to  stay  at  home  be-      8 years in the USAF before purchasing GSI.
          cause I don’t like my job.                              Wade  is  the  master  mind  behind  many  of

                                                                  GSI’s newest innovations. Wade is active in
                                                                  his community and family.
           GSI is more than just a
           business  with  a  goal  to
           make a profit, we are in
           the business of changing
           lives. GSI includes a 2nd
           chance ministry in which
           people  who  come  from
           treatment and other pro-
           grams  can  be  hired,
           trained and given a new
           opportunity for a produc-
           tive lifestyle.

             Our Promise to provide quality products
             Our Promise to provide the best customer service
             Our Promise to meet or beat lead times
             From concept to completion, we make it happen!

                                                                                      Kingdom     News   Magazine   ~ 13
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