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Your 2018

         Benefit Choices

               Northbridge Companies 2018 Benefits Program

                    2018 Open Enrollment                                   Open Enrollment Checklist:

              November 15   - December 8, 2017                              Educate Yourself:  This guide provides an
                                                                               overview of your benefits program as well
                                                                               as instructions for enrolling and other im-
    It’s that time of year again. The time you can make  changes to your       portant things to help you get the most from
    benefits coverage if you wish to do so.  Any changes you make              your benefits.
    during open enrollment will be in effect January 1, 2018 through          Please take time to review the premiums
    December 31, 2018.                                                         and coverage for each plan, and consider
                                                                               your needs for the upcoming year before
                                                                               making your decisions.
    What you need to know
                                                                            Review benefits and rates and consider
                                                                               your health care needs in the upcoming
    •   Medical coverage is being offered through Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare,   year.
        effective January 1, 2018. You will need to enroll into a medical plan
        this year even if you currently have coverage. Your current enrollment    Enroll on time:  Complete Medical & Den-
        will not carry over to Harvard Pilgrim. You will need to enroll by          tal enrollment via the Paycom self service
        December 8, 2017 through the Paycom self service portal. ID            portal and submit FSA enrollment forms to
        cards will be sent directly to your home.                              your Business Director by December 8,

    •   Dental coverage will again be offered through Dental Blue. The plan is
        being enhanced with orthodontic benefits!  If you want enroll or          LOOK INSIDE...
        terminate coverage for yourself and/or dependents, this can be done
        through the Paycom self service portal. If you are currently enrolled in   Benefits Eligibility          Pg. 3
        Dental and don’t want to make any changes, there is nothing that
        needs to be done. Dental Blue will issues new ID cards this year,   Medical & Prescription Drug Options     Pg. 4
        there is no change to ID numbers, but please look out for your
        new cards.                                                         Dental Coverage                       Pg. 8
                                                                           Vision Coverage                       Pg. 9
    •   Voluntary Vision coverage will again be offered through VSP. If you   Flexible Spending Accounts        Pg. 10
        want enroll or terminate coverage for yourself or a dependent changes
        must be submitted through the Paycom self-service portal.  If you are   Other Company-Provided Benefits   Pg. 11
        currently enrolled and don’t want to make any changes there is nothing
        that needs to be done.                                             Health Care Reform & You             Pg. 12
                                                                           Benefits Glossary                    Pg. 13
    •   There is a NEW Health Care Flexible Spending Account & Employee
        Assistance Program being offered effective January 1, 2018!        Plan Contact Information             Pg. 13

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