Page 15 - NSM Pre-Work
P. 15


                Recommended question(s) and responses you can leverage during Sales

                                                                   Recommended Responses
                           Questions to ask

                                                             “The performance of the lenses they receive
                          What are your patients' vision
                          and performance expectations       from you directly impacts their overall
                          when they purchase a pair of       impression of your practice and their
                          eyewear from you?                  satisfaction. Crizal lenses allow you to offer
                                                             a product that will give your patients the
                                                             clearest vision possible while providing
                                                             additional protection. In addition, the
                                                             technology that Crizal provides through the
                                                             9-step process will allow your patients to
                                                             purchase the most durable, cleanable,
                                                             glare-free lenses on the market with

                          What criteria do you use to       “Your patients expect their glasses to provide
                          determine which no-glare (AR)     good vision, to be durable (resist scratches),
                          treatment you will recommend?     and to not be able to see their lenses (which
                          Why is that important to you?     occurs when they become scratched,
                          What do you feel is your office’s   smudged, or reflect light). Crizal® no-glare
                          current No-glare (AR) penetration   lenses provide the best combination of
                          %?                                scratch-resistance, smudge resistance
                                                            (cleanability), and glare reduction available,
                                                            providing the clearest vision possible in every
                                                            environment. They are also backed by the
                                                            Good Housekeeping Seal which allows you to
                                                            recommend them."
                                                              ith   fid    ”
                                                            “Essilor has invested in educating your
                          How important is it to you for
                          your staff to recommend a no-     patients on the benefits of no-glare lenses
                          glare treatment that is a         through our National Advertising
                          nationally recognized brand       campaign. This is generating increased
                          that demonstrates                 traffic into ECP practice s like yours every
                          performance?                      day requesting Crizal.”

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