Page 17 - NSM Pre-Work
P. 17
Recommended question(s) and responses you can leverage regarding
Crizal Product Superiority:
Questions to ask Recommended Responses
What are some of the “Other no-glare lenses may come with a
complaints you have heard scratch warranty, but the consumer
from your staff or patient’s who has to use that warranty is already
regarding no-glare (AR)? dissatisfied- because the product has
How often have you heard failed to live up to their expectations.
these and how has your Likewise, a difficult to clean lens is a
staff handled the daily frustration and reminds your
complaint? patient that the product they purchased
is not living up to their expectations.
Crizal lenses are designed to exceed
your patient’s expectations for
durability, cleanability, and clarity.
Crizal lenses are the only no-glare (AR)
treatment to have earned the Good
Housekeeping Seal after a rigorous
evaluation and meeting the standard of
the Good Housekeeping Research
Institute. So you do not have to be
concerned about patient complaints
when recommending Crizal.”
What has been the impact “When a patient has a bad experience
to your practice when a with an Anti-reflective, they are likely
patient experiences issues not going to order again and the time
with their no-glare (AR)? your staff has to spend/remake lenses
How does this impact the costs you, not only time, but
re-purchase rate in your profitability. However, when they
practice for no-glare (AR)? exceed their expectations, 96% of
consumers repurchase no-glare lenses
(AR). This directly affects your overall
practice long-term profitability and the
patient perception of your practice.”
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