Page 60 - Cardiac Electrophysiology | A Modeling and Imaging Approach
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        Figure 2.39. Alternans: APD (A and C) and the calcium transient (CaT, B and D) rate-adaptation
        curves. Insets show bifurcation portions on enlarged scale. A and B: guinea pig. C and D: canine.
        From Livshitz and Rudy [42]. Inset in (C) shows experimental data (Hua et. al. [150], reproduced
        with permission from Wolter Kluwers Health Inc.).

        reveals that clamping I  Ca,L  does not eliminate action-potential or Ca-transient alternans;
        however, it reduces the amplitude of APD alternans. Additional simulations identified the
        Na -Ca  exchange current, I    NaCa , as the major coupling link between Ca alternans and APD
        alternans. From a clinical perspective, it should be noted that heart failure shifts the onset of APD
        alternans to slower heart rates and augments its amplitude . Heart failure is also associated with
        up-regulation of I NaCa .  These observations support the role of I  NaCa  as the major Ca-APD coupler
        during alternans.
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