Page 6 - LRU G20 Executive Summary 2018
P. 6

LESSON PLAN - G20                                             ENGLISH LANGUAGE CAMP 2018

                                   MS. NAVEETA KAUR
                                   English Language Tutor

        Unit 1 : Parts of Grammar

        Students will expand their basic understanding of form, meaning and use it in longer discourse settings including academic discourse.
        1. Students will be taught on eight parts of grammar speech.
        2. Teacher guides students as a facilitator.
        3. Students will be given worksheets on parts of grammar and upon completion teacher will discuss answers with students.
        4. Teacher conducts a learning activity for students on compound words.
        Lesson Outcomes:
        By the end of the lesson students will be able to demonstrate the grammar item.

        Unit 1 : Parts of Grammar

        1. Students will integrate form, meaning and use in academic discourse settings.
        2. Students will be able to recognize and understand the meaning of targeted grammatical structures in written and spoken form.
        1. Teacher distributes worksheets to each group.
        2. Students will have to complete each worksheet according to the word ladder in groups.
        3. Students are to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation in according to Standard
            British English.
        4. Students will come up individually and spell the words learned earlier.
        5. Students will have to write an essay with the new words learned.
        6. Teacher will guide students as a facilitator.

        Lesson Outcomes:
        By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pronounce words which contain phonemes.

         Students will  have to complete each worksheet        Students will have to  write an essay with the new
         according to the word ladder in groups.               words learned.
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