Page 7 - LRU G20 Executive Summary 2018
P. 7
Unit 3 : Famous People
1. To relate the topic exposed with personal reality.
2. To identify specific information written.
1. Students will observe some pictures with range of professions and places.
2. Teacher will give information about the pictures orally.
3. Reading Comprehension: Lexical Vocabulary – Professions, Places, Dates, Numbers, etc.
4. Students to present in groups about the ‘Famous People’ that has inspired them.
Lesson Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to relate every character with their specific profession.
2. Complete a chart with specific information from the previous activity.
3 Students will be able to write simple sentences.
4. Students will build their confidence level when presenting.
Unit 4 : Using Connectors
1. To join sentences using connectors correctly.
2. Fill in the blanks using article.
3. Using comparative and superlative words.
1. Register key words and ask students if they understand/know their uses.
2. Read different sentences and complete them with connectors.
3. Check the sentences orally and written.
4. Connectors – Which, That , When, Who.
5. Teacher asks students to answer questions in English.
Lesson Outcomes:
Students will be able to join sentences by using connectors correctly. Students will be able to answer questions using the basic English.
Students will come up individually and spell the Students will build their confidence level when
words learned earlier. presenting.