Page 48 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 48

“Kindness doesn’t cost a penny. Yet it’s the richest gift you can give”
                              SECOND GENERAL MEETING

                                              (Summary Report)
        At this meeting on November 14, 2022, DG Ingrid reported that there are currently 77 clubs with 2,031 Lion Members.  Her goal
        for this Lionistic year is 2,222.

        District Committees presented their reports and several members were recognized. PDG Veronica Ralph - Munro (St. Albans), received
        the Milestone Chevron Award for 40 years of service. Lion Keith October, (Midwood), was recognized for 15 years of service. DG
        Ingrid also noted that Lion Keith is one of the  hardest workers in the District. Lion Mildred Ramirez, (Queens United, and New
        Voices Chairperson ), along with her team, were recognized for successfully promoting clubs’ participation in submitting entries in
        Leadership, Marketing and Service Competitions. Kings County Lions Club and Central Brooklyn Lions Club received “Diabetes Patches”
        for completing projects during the month of November. Jefferson Lions Club received a “patch” for Environmental Projects. Maspeth
        Lions Club was the winner of First, Second and Third Places in the Peace Poster Contest entitled “Lead with Compassion”.

        Since the month of November was National Diabetes Month, the Lions and Leos of Stuy Park Lions Club requested Lion members to
        bring to the District Meeting healthy snacks like granola bars, unsweetened bars, fruits (apples and oranges) raise awareness of
        diabetes among children. The items were collected for donation to the students at PS-5, Ronald McNair School.

        Lion Norma Blaize, Environment Chairperson ( Prospect Heights ) presented an “out of the box” Environmental Project “Trash to
        Treasure” with such passion and “show and tel about how she converted “Trash to Treasures”. She proudly modeled a velvet hat
        which she made from her old pair of velvet jeans. She also displayed beautiful Christmas tree ornaments from old Christmas cards
        and showed a pocketbook made from magazines. Lion Norma encouraged clubs to get ready to present and display their Trash to
        Treasures at the upcoming Spring Show. Lion Norma also requested clubs to encourage Leos to participate in the Leo Climate
        Change Essay Contest which is due on January 14, 2023. District Governor Ingrid will sponsor the winner to the 2023 Leos
        Leadership Forum in Illinois.

        Lion Julien Embrack, Chairperson of The Alert Committee (Ridgewood-Glendale-Middle Village) announced that District 20-K1 now has
        a FCC-Radio License Service which is valid for the next 10 years. As a result of this radio license, the Team will begin training Lions
        of District 20-K1 to be better prepared for disasters. A copy of the license was presented to DG Ingrid so it can be maintained in
        District 20-K1 file/records.

        District Governor Ingrid encourages clubs to submit their SWAT Analysis and thanked those Clubs that already submitted. She
        indicated that all Zone Chairs are assigned to their individual Clubs and thanked them for their honest reports regarding the SWAT
        Report. DG Ingrid advised that the District is establishing a point system and suggested that the clubs should apply for the Club
        Excellence Award. DG Ingrid also encouraged Clubs to share their stories and/or activities on the District’s GMA Facebook page.

        Reported by,
        Lion Yolande Cadore,
        District E-News Reporter
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