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Ward, Kovalev do it again
June 17, 2017
T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
Page 21
Trump Thrusts US, Cuba Back Toward Hostile Relations
President Donald Trump arrives at the White House in Washington, Friday, June 16, 2017, after speaking about Cuba policy in Miami.
(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
By DARLENE SUPERVILLE tion of the island’s com- ate better agreements for of prerequisites was met. one-sided deal,” Trump
MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN munist government. He Americans, Cubans and “America has rejected the said he was canceling it. In
JOSH LEDERMAN clamped down on some those whose identities lie Cuban people’s oppres- practice, however, many
Associated Press commerce and travel but somewhere in between. sors,” Trump said in Miami’s recent changes to boost
MIAMI (AP) — Pressing left intact many new av- Diplomatic relations, re- Little Havana, the cradle ties to Cuba will stay as
“pause” on a historic de- enues President Barack stored only two years ago, of Cuban-American resis- they are. Trump cast that
tente, President Donald Obama had opened. will remain intact. But, in tance to Castro’s govern- as a sign the U.S. still want-
Trump thrust the U.S. and Even as Trump predicted a a shift from Obama’s ap- ment. “Officially, today, ed to engage with Cuba in
Cuba back on a path to- quick end to President Raul proach, Trump said trade they are rejected.” hopes of forging “a much
ward open hostility Friday Castro’s regime, he chal- and other penalties would Declaring Obama’s pact stronger and better path.”
with a blistering denuncia- lenged Cuba to negoti- stay in place until a long list with Castro a “completely Continued on page 3
At Press Time:
Coast Guard Confirms 7 Missing from US Navy Ship Off Japan
TOKYO (AP) — The Japanese Takeshi Aikawa said the USS caster NHK showed a person in He added that so far no damage
Coast Guard has confirmed that Fitzgerald reports that seven are a stretcher being lifted from the or injuries to the container ship or
seven crew members of a U.S. unaccounted for and one is in- deck to a Japan Coast Guard its crew members have been re-
Navy destroyer are missing after jured. helicopter. ported.
a sudden collision with a Philip- The injured sailor had a head in- Aikawa said the U.S. ship is par- The coast guard dispatched five
pine-flagged merchant ship off jury, but details of his or her condi- tially flooded because of dam- patrol ships and an aircraft carry-
the coast of Japan. tion were unknown. age and not capable of moving ing medics to the site for search
Japan Coast Guard official Footage from Japanese broad- by itself. and rescue operations.q