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Mass Vow Renewal Set for Aruba

                                                                                     July 20, 2017

                                                                                     T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                                                 Page 15

               Inner Circle

              Trump Campaign Insiders Called Before Senate Committees

            White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, center, arrives for the opening of the US-China Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, Wednesday, July 19, 2017, at the
            Treasury Department in Washington. Members of the Trump campaign’s inner circle, including Kushner, are being called before Senate committees next week to
            talk about the 2016 election.
                                                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

            By MARY JALONICK             2016 election.               uled to appear July 26 be-   adviser said Jared Kushner  tion  he  has  on  the  investi-
            Associated Press             The week has the potential  fore  the  Senate  Judiciary  will speak to the Senate in-  gations  to  Congress,”  said
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Mem-       to  deliver  the  most  high-  Committee  along  with  for-  telligence committee Mon-  attorney Abbe Lowell. “He
            bers  of  the  Trump  cam-   profile  congressional  testi-  mer  campaign  chairman  day.                          will continue to cooperate
            paign’s inner circle, includ-  mony involving the Russian  Paul  Manafort,  according  “As  Mr.  Kushner  has  been  and  appreciates  the  op-
            ing his eldest son and son-  meddling    probes    since  to a witness list released by  saying since March, he has  portunity to assist in putting
            in-law,  are  being  called  former  FBI  Director  James  the panel Wednesday.        been  and  is  prepared  to  this matter to rest.”
            before Senate committees  Comey appeared in June.         Also,  a  lawyer  for  Trump’s  voluntarily  cooperate  and   Continued on Page 3
            next week to talk about the  Donald  Trump  Jr.  is  sched-  powerful  son-in-law  and  provide whatever informa-

               Trump Exhorts Senate Anew to Rid US of Obamacare

             By ERICA WERNER              face-to-face they must not  Success  was  far  from  as-  get rid of the Obama law.  care  law  fail.  Majority
             ALAN FRAM                    leave  town  for  their  Au-  sured, but Trump declared  The         developments  Leader  Mitch  McConnell
             Associated Press             gust  recess  without  send-  “I’m ready to act,” putting  Wednesday  came  just  a  had indicated he was pre-
             WASHINGTON (AP) — Lec-       ing  him  an  “Obamacare”  the  responsibility  on  Re-  day  after  the  latest  GOP  pared to stick a fork in the
             turing  fellow  Republicans,  repeal bill to sign. Senators  publican  lawmakers,  not  health care plan collapsed  Republican  bill  and  move
             President  Donald  Trump  responded  by  vowing  to  himself.  During  last  year’s  in  the  Senate,  leading  on to other issues including
             summoned  GOP  sena-         revive legislative efforts left  presidential  campaign  he  Trump himself to say it was  overhauling the tax code.
             tors  to  the  White  House  for dead twice already this  had  declared  repeatedly  time to simply let President
             Wednesday and told them  week.                           it  would  be  “so  easy”  to  Barack  Obama’s  health       Continued on Page 4
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