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                                                                                                                                             Page 8
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            California moves to dismantle nation's largest death row

            SACRAMENTO,  Calif.  (AP)  row."  California,  which  last
            —  California  Gov.  Gavin  carried  out  an  execution
            Newsom,  who  three  years  in 2006, is one of 28 states
            ago  placed  a  moratorium  that  maintain  death  rows,
            on executions, now is mov-   along with the U.S. govern-
            ing to dismantle the United  ment,  according  to  the
            States'  largest  death  row  Death  Penalty  Information
            by moving all condemned  Center.  While  other  states
            inmates  to  other  prisons  like  Illinois  have  abolished
            within two years.  The goal  executions,  California  is
            is to turn the section at San  merging  its  condemned
            Quentin State Prison into a  inmates  into  the  general
            "positive,  healing  environ-  prison  population  with  no
            ment."  Newsom  said  Mon-   expectation  that  any  will
            day  it's  an  outgrowth  of  face execution anytime in
            his  opposition  to  what  he  the near future.
            believes is a deeply flawed  “We are starting the proc-
            system,  one  that  "gets  my  ess of closing death row to
            blood  boiling."  "The  pros-  repurpose  and  transform
            pect of your ending up on  the  current  housing  units
            death row has more to do  into  something  innovative            "Positive, healing environment"
            with your wealth and race  and  anchored  in  rehabili-
            than it does your guilt or in-  tation,”  California  Depart-
            nocence," he said. "We talk  ment  of  Corrections  and   Barbed wire is seen inside the east block of death row at San Quentin State Prison Tuesday, Aug.
            about  justice,  we  preach  Rehabilitation  spokeswom-   16, 2016, in San Quentin, Calif.
            justice, but as a nation, we  an  Vicky  Waters  told  The                                                                      Associated Press
            don't  practice  it  on  death  Associated Press.                                                                        Continued on next page
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