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Take a Hike!
                                                                                             T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044
                                                                                              October 7, 2017

                                                                                                                    Page 13
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                                                                                         US Waits

                                                                                         For Nate

            Scottie Lopez throws a rope to Glenn Greco, both from Delacroix Island, at they tie up their boats before the Caernarvon floodgate closes in St. Bernard Parish in
            anticipation of the arrival of Tropical Storm Nate in Caernarvon, La., Friday, Oct. 6, 2017.
                                                                                                                        (Matthew Hinton/The Advocate via AP)
              US States Declare Emergency Ahead of Tropical Storm Nate

            Associated Press             officials  declared  states  away  from  the  immediate  metropolitan  New  Orleans  near     New     Orleans.The
            MEXICO     CITY   (AP)   —  of  state  of  emergency  coast, with buses available  and  Lake  Pontchartrain  to  storm  was  located  about
            Tropical    Storm     Nate  and     Louisiana   ordered  for people who can’t drive.   its latest hurricane warning.  80  miles  (125  kilometers)
            gained  force  as  it  sped  some people to evacuate  The U.S. National Hurricane  The  storm  had  maximum  east  of  the  Mexican  resort
            toward  Mexico’s  Yucatan  coastal  areas  and  barrier  Center  warned  that  Nate  sustained    winds    of   60  island  of  Cozumel  and
            Peninsula    Friday   after  islands   ahead     of   its  could   raise   sea   levels  mph  (95  kph)  by  Friday  had  accelerated  its  north-
            drenching Central America  expected landfall Saturday  by  4  to  7  feet  (1.2  to  2.1  afternoon  and  was  likely  northwest movement to 21
            in  rain  that  was  blamed  night  or  early  Sunday.  meters)      from    Morgan  to  strengthen  over  the  mph (33 kph).In Nicaragua,
            for  at  least  21  deaths.  Evacuations    began     at  City,  Louisiana,  to  the  northwestern     Caribbean  Nate’s arrival followed two
            Forecasters said it was likely  some offshore oil platforms  Alabama-Florida  border.  It  Sea   on   Friday   before  weeks  of  near-constant
            to reach the U.S. Gulf Coast  in the Gulf.                had  already  had  caused  brushing  by  the  Cancun  rain  that  had  left  the
            as  a  hurricane  over  the  Mississippi’s   government  deadly flooding in much of  region at the tip of Mexico’s  ground saturated and rivers
            weekend.                     said  it  would  open  11  Central America.               Yucatan Peninsula. It could  swollen.
            Louisiana  and  Mississippi  evacuation shelters in areas  The    center      added  hit  the  U.S.  Gulf  coast            Continued on Page 2
              Feds Say They Thwarted NYC Plot Targeting Concert Venues

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