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A32    sports
               Diaranson 4 november 2020

                        Nancy Darsch, former Ohio State and WNBA coach, dies at 68

                                                                                                   the  NCAA  championship
                                                                                                   game.                        Darsch  later  coached  the
                                                                                                                                Washington Mystics and was
                                                                                                   "Nancy  was  a  trailblazer,  an assistant for the Minnesota
                                                                                                   coach  and  mentor.  I  was  Lynx and Seattle Storm. She
                                                                                                   lucky  to  have  such  a  caring  was  a coach  with  the Storm
                                                                                                   and kind coach," former Ohio  from  2008-13  and  helped
                                                                                                   State star Katie Smith said in  them win a championship in
                                                                                                   a statement. "She loved what  2010.
                                                                                                   she  did  and  the  people  she
                                                                                                   shared it with. Always had a  "She  was  a  great  coach  and
                                                                                                   smile on her face, a fun com-  even  better  person.  The
                                                                                                   ment to make you laugh and  thing that jumped out to me
                                                                                                   a playful punch on the arm.  was her lack of ego and how
                                                                                                   She will be dearly missed."  humble she was," Agler said.
                                                                                                                                "Veteran  players  really  liked
                                                                                                   After her stay in Columbus,  her  because  they  respected
                                                                                                   Darsch  went  to  the  WNBA  her  wisdom  and  that's  what
                                                                                                   and was the inaugural coach  she brought to the table. Bas-
                                                                                                   of  the  New  York  Liberty  in  ketball  wisdom  or  life  wis-
                                                                                                   1997.  She  helped  the  team  dom."
                                                                                                   reach the WNBA Finals that
                                                                                                   first season when they lost to  She also worked as an assis-
                                                                                                   the Houston Comets.          tant  coach  for  USA  Basket-
            (AP) – Nancy Darsch, who  hometown  of  Plymouth,  great  Pat  Summitt.  Darsch                                     ball,  helping  the  women's
            guided  the  Ohio  State  Massachusetts.  Brian  Agler,  led the Buckeyes for 12 years,  "We are grateful for Nancy's  team earn its first gold medal
            women's  basketball  team  who  coached  with  her  at  from  1985  to  1997,  compil-  leadership as a pioneer of this  in  1984.  She  returned  as  an
            to the 1993 title game and  Seattle  in  the  WNBA,  said  ing  a  234-125  record  and  game,"  the  Liberty  said  in  a  assistant  for  the  1996  team
            went  on  to  coach  in  the  Darsch's  family  informed  making seven appearances in  statement.  "Her  contribu-  that won gold in Atlanta.
            WNBA, has died. She was  him of her death.                the NCAA Tournament.         tions  to  the  advancement  of
            68.                                                                                    both  collegiate  and  profes-  Darsch   graduated   from
                                         Darsch  started  her  college  Ohio State went 28-4 in dur-  sional  women's  basketball  Springfield  College  in  Mas-
            She  had  Parkinson's  disease  coaching  career  as  an  assis-  ing  the  1992-93  season  and  and her passion for the game  sachusetts.
            and  died  Monday  in  her  tant  at  Tennessee  under  the  lost  to  Texas  Tech  84-82  in  will forever be felt."

                             Crew chiefs feel the heat to be perfect in NASCAR finale

            (AP)  —  The  NASCAR  give Denny the best platform  ins, and Elliott is teamed with  runs give them an edge, but  plished  crew  chief  on  the
            championship was in clear  we can as a race team to go  Alan Gustafson, who led Jeff  points to Logano's win three  roster, a move at the time Ke-
            reach when  Denny  Ham-      out and perform, then we're  Gordon in Gordon's 2015 fi-  weeks  ago  at  Kansas  that  selowski said he hoped gave
            lin made his final pit stop  going to let him perform."   nal four appearance.         locked the No. 22 team into  him the kick he needed to el-
            in last year's title-deciding                                                          the finale. Wolfe has had ex-  evate his performance.
            finale.  With  everything  The pressure will be intense  Gustafson  believes  he  can  tended time to work on their
            on the line, his crew chief  Sunday  at  Phoenix  Raceway  help Elliott manage the stakes  Ford for Phoenix, where Lo-  Keselowski will go to Phoe-
            went  with  an  aggressive  for both the drivers and their  of  the  winner-take-all  final  gano  won  in  March  before  nix with four wins and drive
            adjustment aimed at gain-    team  leaders.  There  is  no  race as NASCAR's most pop-  the pandemic shutdown.      the  Ford  that  won  at  both
            ing one last burst of speed.  practice  or  qualifying  under  ular  driver  competes  in  his                      New  Hampshire  and  Rich-
                                         COVID-19 protocols, so the  first championship.           "I  feel  like  we  have  an  ad-  mond.
            Chris  Gabehart  called  for  cars must be dialed-in when  "I don't think you can really  vantage  because  we  won  at
            a  large,  thick  patch  of  tape  they  are  unloaded  on  race  be prepared for it until you go  Kansas, (I've) have had may-  "When  we  made  the  swap,
            across the front right side of  day.                      through  it,"  said  the  veteran  be  a  little  more  time  to  put  we immediately added a ton
            the  No.  11  Toyota.  It  was  a                         Hendrick  Motorsports  crew  thoughts  into  how  do  we  of  experience  to  our  team.
            gamble Gabehart was willing  The four-driver field this year  chief.  "Going  through  this  want  to  approach  the  race,"  We've just tried to take advan-
            to take, believing "you've got  includes two former champi-  weekend,  we  can  help  pre-  Wolfe said.             tage of Brad's experience, use
            to dance with the fire to beat  ons: Joey Logano,  who won  pare him for it. It's a unique                          that  to  better  what  we  were
            these guys."                 in  2016  under  this  current  experience. I think you have  Bullins has yet to compete in  doing as a race team, put our-
                                         format, and his Team Penske  to go through it to really un-  a race with such high stakes  selves in a good spot," Bullins
            He got burned.               teammate  Brad  Keselowski,  derstand it and learn how to  but  takes  pride  in  the  work  said. "I think we're just trying
            The aerodynamic adjustment  won won in 2012 under dif-    manage it.                   he's  done  with  Keselowski.  to make it no more than what
            backfired, Hamlin had to pit  ferent  rules.  Hamlin  of  Joe                          The  Penske  organizational  it is, not make it bigger than
            again to avoid overheating his  Gibbs  Racing  is  back  in  the  The dynamic at Team Penske  swap  on  paper  put  Kesel-  what it is. Obviously there's a
            engine,  and  his  title  chanc-  final  four  for  the  third  time  is interesting in that Logano  owski  with  the  least  accom-  lot on the line."
            es  were  over.  As  Gabehart  and  Chase  Elliott  is  making  and Keselowski both worked
            leads  Hamlin  back  into  the  his  championship  debut  for  through  the  cornavirus-im-
            championship  race  Sunday,  Hendrick Motorsports.        pacted season with new crew
            the crew chief has no fear of                             chiefs,  having  to  learn  their
            overthinking his team out of  Only Hamlin and Gabehart,  team leaders with little track
            title contention.            in  their  second  season  as  time.  The  Penske  organiza-
                                         driver  and  crew  chief,  have  tion made a three-team swap
            "You've certainly got to learn  previously raced for a cham-  at  the  start  of  the  year  and
            from your mistakes and your  pionship together.           Wolfe,  the  only  crew  chief
            successes,  right?  That's  part                          in  the  finale  with  a  title,  is
            of  getting  better,"  he  said.  Paul Wolfe won the 2012 ti-  teamed with the only driver
            "I'm not concerned of making  tle with Keselowski but now  to win a championship in this
            those same issues again. For  crew  chiefs  Logano.  Kesel-  format.
            better  or  worse,  we're  going  owski  is  in  his  first  season
            to put our best foot forward,  with newcomer Jeremy Bull-  Wolfe doesn't think prior title
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