Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201104
P. 30

A30    world news
               Diaranson 4 november 2020

                             Qatar's emir promises Shura Council elections next year

                                                                      tution,  approved  in  a  2003  Secretary-General  Antonio  hosting the 2022 FIFA World
                                                                      referendum,  calls  for  the  Guterres  “is  encouraged  by  Cup.
                                                                      government  to  hold  Shura  the important announcement
                                                                      elections  and  subsequently  made by the emir.”          Sheikh Tamim did touch on
                                                                      expand  the  council's  power                             the blockade that Saudi Ara-
                                                                      to include the ability to dis-  “We understand that prepara-  bia  and  its  regional  partners
                                                                      miss  ministers,  approve  the  tions are under way and that  imposed  on  Qatar  in  2017,
                                                                      national  budget  as  well  as  the government of Qatar will  tearing apart the six-member
                                                                      draft and propose legislation.  take all necessary measures to  Gulf  Cooperation  Council.
                                                                                                   allow  for  inclusive,  partici-  The  four  Arab  allies  say  the
                                                                      The  elections  would  allow  patory  measures,”  Stephane  diplomatic  dispute  stems
                                                                      Qatari  citizens  to  choose  30  Dujarric  said.  “Obviously,  from Qatar’s support for ex-
                                                                      members of the country’s 45-  any  move  to  give  people  a  tremist groups in the region,
                                                                      seat  Shura  Council,  which  voice  in  how  they  govern  charges denied by Doha.
                                                                      are  now  all  handpicked  by  themselves  is  to  be  encour-
                                                                      the state's rulers. The council  aged.”                   “Despite the siege that is con-
            (AP)  —  Qatar’s  emir  an-  said  the  first-ever  vote  will  has no substantive legislative  Sheikh   Tamim’s   speech  tinuing  for  more  than  three
            nounced  on  Tuesday  that  take  place  in  October  2021.  power  but  advises  the  emir  did  not  address  the  scandal  years, the nation of Qatar is
            the country will hold elec-  He described it as “an impor-  on new laws and policies.  clouding  state-owned  long-  able to strengthen its position
            tions  for  its  top  advisory  tant step” for the tiny energy-                        haul  carrier  Qatar  Airways.  in the international commu-
            panel  next  year,  a  long-  rich state on the Arabian Pen-  Other  oil-rich  Persian  Gulf  Earlier  this  month,  women  nity," said Sheikh Tamim.
            promised step that aims to  insula to “develop the legisla-  sheikhdoms have varying lev-  aboard Qatar Airways flights  In response to what he called
            give the country’s citizens  tive process with a wider par-  els  of  limited  representation  were  subjected  to  invasive  the  “double  crisis"  hitting
            more say on how their he-    ticipation of citizens.”     but  remain  governed  from  vaginal exams after an aban-  the  wealthy  OPEC  mem-
            reditary  emirate  is  gov-                               the top by hereditary rulers.  doned  newborn  was  found  ber  nation,  the  coronavirus
            erned.                       Last year, Sheikh Tamim or-  Kuwait and Bahrain’s parlia-  in an airport bathroom. The  pandemic  and  plunging  oil
                                         dered the formation of a com-  ments  are  elected  and  wield  revelation,  prompting  the  prices, Sheikh Tamim sought
            In  a  speech  before  the  na-  mittee  to  organize  elections  relatively more influence.  government  to  refer  airport  to assure the council that the
            tional legislative body, known  for the Islamic-style council,                         officials  to  prosecutors  last  country's critical energy sec-
            as the Shura Council, Sheikh  but  never  announced  a  date  At  the  United  Nations,  week, comes as Qatar tries to  tor has suffered only “mini-
            Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani  for  the  vote.  Qatar's  consti-  the  spokesman  said  U.N.  boost its image abroad before  mal detriments.”

                            Extremists kill 12, kidnap others in Nigeria, residents say

            (AP) — Insurgents have killed at least 12 peo-  outrage.                                        girls as part of their violent campaign to establish
            ple and abducted nine women and young girls                                                     strict Islamic rule in northeast Nigeria.
            in Nigeria’s troubled northeast, residents said  “The  attackers  killed  men  and  went  away  with
            Tuesday.                                        women and young girls,” Uba Kolo, a member of  Both groups are also involved in abducting high-
                                                            the local Civilian Joint Task Force vigilante group,  profile people like aid workers for money. They are
            The incident occurred Sunday morning at Taku-   told The Associated Press.                      known to execute hostages when demands are not
            lashi  village,  less  than  20  kilometers  (12  miles)                                        met.
            from Chibok in Borno state. That's  where Boko  The military has yet to comment on the attack.  Nigeria's army has for more than a decade battled
            Haram  extremists  abducted  276  schoolgirls  from  Boko Haram and a breakaway faction, the Islamic  in vain to quell the insurgency.
            their  dormitories  in  2014,  causing  international  State  West  Africa  Province,  have  been  abducting

                        Uganda police arrest Bobi Wine after presidential nomination

            (AP) — Ugandan police on Tues-      home was the scene of skirmishes be-  their alleged roles in violence, it said.  areas.
            day  again  arrested  Bobi  Wine,  a  tween his supporters and police who  Authorities  frequently  accuse  Wine  “We now enter the most critical phase
            popular  singer  and  opposition  fired tear gas into the compound, ac-  of planning rallies that could disrupt  of  our  liberation  struggle!”  Wine
            presidential hopeful, shortly after  cording to Joel Ssenyonyi, a spokes-  public order, which he denies.   tweeted  after  having  his  candidacy
            he was successfully certified as a  man for Wine’s People Power move-                                       certified.
            candidate in next year's election.  ment.                               Critics say President Yoweri Musev-
                                                                                    eni, in power since 1986, increasingly  The election is expected to be a two-
            Wine, who is bidding to unseat Ugan-  “There  are  running  battles,”  Ssen-  depends  on  the  armed  forces  to  as-  horse race between Wine and Musev-
            da’s  long-time  leader,  was  dragged  yonyi said from the scene. "It’s quite  sert his authority. Museveni, who was  eni.  The  electoral  commission  has
            from his car by police. The local NBS  chaotic.”                        nominated as a candidate on Monday,  not fixed a date for the polls.
            Television, reporting from the scene,                                   said  afterward  that  his  government
            said  the  singer,  whose  real  name  is  Ugandan  police  said  in  a  statement  would  not  tolerate  the  activities  of  Wine  and  other  opposition  leaders
            Kyagulanyi  Ssentamu,  was  put  into  that Wine was forcibly removed from  enemies he did not name who are al-  have been frequently arrested in re-
            a police van amid violent scuffles be-  his vehicle because authorities feared  legedly plotting chaos.     cent years, sometimes detained with-
            tween police and his supporters.    he had “plans of holding illegal pro-                                   in their own homes by police citing
                                                cessions”  into  Kampala  following  “There's nobody who is going to dis-  a need to prevent crimes from being
            He  was  returned  to  his  house  later  his  certification.  Another  presiden-  turb here. Whoever tries will regret.  committed.
            Tuesday on the outskirts of Kampala,  tial candidate, Patrick Amuriat of the  Because  for  us,  we  don't  play,"  the
            the capital.                        opposition  Forum  for  Democratic  president  said.  “The  (ruling  party)  Those actions have reinforced a view
            “The authority I have is the same au-  Change, was similarly arrested.  fought to bring peace in this country.  among some Ugandans that the po-
            thority you have,” he told a cheering  “Plans have been put in place to ef-  Nobody has more guns than us. But  lice serve at the behest of Museveni,
            crowd of his supporters. “Don't give  fectively address groups that decide to  we don't scare people.”      who has rebuffed repeated calls to re-
            up.  Those  who  have  cameras,  use  act unlawfully,” the police statement                                 tire peacefully.
            them. Those who have lips, use them.  said.                             Wine,  38,  has  captured  the  imagi-
            Those  who  have  hands,  use  them.                                    nation  of  many  Ugandans  with  his  This East African country has never
            Those who have legs, use them."     At least three security personnel and  persistent  calls  for  the  76-year-old  witnessed a peaceful transfer of pow-
                                                four civilians were injured in clash-  Museveni  to  retire.  He  is  especially  er  since  independence  from  British
            Earlier,  the  dusty  area  outside  his  es, and 49 people were arrested over  popular  with  poor  people  in  urban  colonial rule in 1962.
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