Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20201104
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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 4 november 2020

                          UK raises terror threat level to severe after Europe attacks

            (AP)  —  Britain  raised  its  we face,'' Patel said in a state-
            terror  threat  level  to  se-  ment.  “That  process  will
            vere  on  Tuesday,  its  sec-  continue,  and  the  British
            ond-highest  level,  follow-  public should be in no doubt
            ing recent attacks in Aus-   that we will take the strongest
            tria and France.             possible action to protect our
                                         national security.''
            The  threat  level  of  severe
            means an attack in the Unit-  Patel said the increased secu-
            ed  Kingdom  is  considered  rity  alert  is  a  “precautionary
            highly  likely.  The  level  had  measure and is not based on
            previously  been  at  substan-  any specific threat.’’
            tial,  meaning  an  attack  is
            thought to be likely.        The U.K. government's Joint
            The  decision  announced  by  Terrorism  Analysis  Cen-
            Home  Secretary  Priti  Patel  tre,  which  was  established
            came  after  a  man  who  had  in June 2003, sets the terror
            previously  tried  to  join  the  level.  The  center  assesses
            Islamic  State  group  stormed  intelligence relating to inter-
            through  the  center  of  the  national  terrorism,  at  home
            Austrian  capital  of  Vienna  and overseas, and sets threat
            armed with an automatic rifle  levels and issues warnings of
            Monday  night,  killing  four  threats and other terror-relat-
            people before police shot and  ed information.
            killed him.
                                         Assistant Commissioner Neil  counterterrorism police “will  places in the coming days.  “We  need  communities  and
            “We  have  already  taken  sig-  Basu, U.K. head of Counter  of  course  provide  any  as-  “Now,  more  than  ever,  we  families  to  bring  to  our  at-
            nificant  steps  to  amend  our  Terrorism Policing, said that  sistance  where  we  can.''  He  need  communities  to  stand  tention anyone they perceive
            powers  and  strengthen  the  while  there  was  no  intelli-  urged the public to be vigilant  together  and  reject  those  may be vulnerable, a danger
            tools  for  dealing  with  the  gence  link  between  the  Eu-  and said people can expect to  who seek to sow division and  or  escalating  towards  terror-
            developing  terrorist  threats  ropean attacks and the U.K.,  see additional police in some  hatred  between  us,''  he  said.  ism.''

                             Turkish rescuers pull girl from rubble 4 days after quake

            (AP) — Rescuers in the Turkish city of Izmir  condition but would be kept under observation in  thorities detained nine people, including contrac-
            pulled a young girl out alive from the rubble  the hospital for a while. She asked for for meatballs  tors, for questioning over the collapse of six of the
            of  a  collapsed  apartment  building  Tuesday,  and  a  yoghurt  drink  on  her  way  to  the  hospital,  buildings.
            four days after a strong earthquake hit Turkey  state-run Anadolu Agency reported.
            and  Greece  and  as  hopes  of  reaching  survi-                                                Turkey has a mix of older buildings and cheap or
            vors began to fade.                             Her rescue came a day after another 3-year-old girl  illegal constructions that do not withstand earth-
                                                            and  a  14-year-old  girl  were  also  pulled  out  alive  quakes  well.  Regulations  have  been  tightened  to
            Wrapped in a thermal blanket, the girl was taken  from collapsed buildings in Izmir, Turkey's third-  strengthen or demolish older buildings, and urban
            into an ambulance on a stretcher to the sounds of  largest city.                                 renewal is underway in Turkish cities, but experts
            applause and chants of “God is great!" from rescue                                               say it is not happening fast enough.
            workers and onlookers.                          “We will not lose hope (about finding survivors)  The country sits on top of two major fault lines and
                                                            until our search-and-rescue efforts reach the last  earthquakes are frequent.
            Health  Minister  Fahrettin  Koca  identified  her  as  person under the wreck,” President Recep Tayyip
            3-year-old Ayda Gezgin on Twitter. The child had  Erdogan said following a Cabinet meeting.
            been trapped inside the rubble for 91 hours since  Erdogan said around 6,700 people who lost their
            Friday's quake struck in the Aegean Sea and was  homes or were too frightened to return to them
            the 107th person to have been pulled out of col-  were being temporarily housed in tents. Authorities
            lapsed buildings alive. After she was pulled from  on Tuesday began assembling containers homes for
            the rubble, little Ayda called out for her mother, in  the survivors, he added.
            video of the rescue broadcast on television.
                                                            Meanwhile,  the  death  toll  in  the  earthquake
            But Ayda's mother did not survive. Her body was  climbed  to  112,  after  emergency  crews  retrieved
            found amid the wreckage hours later. Her brother  more bodies from toppled buildings in the city. Of-
            and father were not inside the building at the time  ficials said 138 quake survivors were still hospital-
            of the quake. Rescuer Nusret Aksoy told reporters  ized, and three of them were in serious condition.
            that he was sifting through the rubble of the top-  The U.S. Geological Survey registered the quake’s
            pled eight-floor building when he heard a child's  magnitude at 7.0, though other agencies recorded
            scream and called for silence. He later located the  it as less severe.
            girl in a tight space next to a dishwasher.     The vast majority of the deaths and some 1,000 in-
                                                            juries occurred in Izmir. Two teenagers also died
            The girl waved at him, told him her name and said  and 19 people were injured on the Greek island of
            that she was okay, Aksoy said.                  Samos, near the quake’s  epicenter in the Aegean
            “I got goosebumps and my colleague Ahmet cried,”  Sea.
            he told HaberTurk television.
            Ibrahim Topal, of the Humanitarian Relief Foun-  The quake also triggered a small tsunami that hit
            dation, or IHH said: “My colleague and I looked  Samos and the Seferihisar district of Izmir prov-
            at each other like ‘Did you hear that, too?’ We lis-  ince,  where  one  elderly  woman  drowned.  The
            tened again. There was a very weak voice saying  tremors were felt across western Turkey, including
            something  like  ‘I’m  here.’  Then  we  shut  every-  in Istanbul, as well as in the Greek capital of Ath-
            thing  down,  the  machines,  and  started  listening  ens. Hundreds of aftershocks followed.
            again. And there really was a voice.”
                                                            In  Izmir,  the  quake  reduced  buildings  to  rubble
            Health ministry officials said the girl was in good  or  saw  floors  pancake  in  on  themselves  and  au-
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