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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 4 november 2020

                                 Toronto fails in bid to be reinstated to Super League

            (AP)  —  Canadian  rug-      tion.                        Eric Perez. It won promotion
            by  league  team  Toronto                                 twice in three years to claim
            Wolfpack  failed  in its bid  "We're  naturally  disappoint-  a place in the Super League.
            to  be  re-admitted  to  Eu-  ed,"  said  Bob  Hunter,  Wolf-
            rope's  top  division  on  pack's  chairman  and  chief  Toronto  played  in  front  of
            Monday.                      executive,  who  received  the  crowds  of  9,000  in  its  sec-
                                         news  via  a  phone  call  from  ond-tier  Championship  sea-
            Toronto  withdrew  from  its  Super   League   executive  son but hopes of capitalizing
            inaugural season in the Super  chairman Robert Elstone.   on the signing of Sonny Bill
            League in July, with its own-                             Williams for 2020 were scup-
            ership  citing  financial  prob-  "I  thought  we  put  a  pretty  pered by an inability to play
            lems caused by the coronavi-  good submission together. At  any  games  in  Toronto  be-
            rus pandemic, and expressed  the end of the day, there were  cause of the pandemic.
            hope it could return next year  a few different questions that                                                      RFL  going  forward,  I  can't
            under new ownership.         probably didn't get answered,  Hunter  said  Toronto  busi-  "We could certainly entertain  really say. It's just too early."
                                         so  disappointed  but  under-  nessman  Carlo  LiVolsi,  the  a new owner but we're defi-
            However,  a  meeting  of  the  stood."                    club's prospective new own-  nitely out of Super League in  Super  League  must  decide
            Super League board rejected                               er, had no interest in joining  2021," Hunter said.       whether to run with 11 clubs
            Toronto's  submission  by  a  The club was formed in 2016  either the third-tier League 1                           in 2021 or find a 12th mem-
            vote of 8-4, with one absten-  by  Canadian  entrepreneur  or the Championship.        "Whether we re-apply to the  ber.

                          Horse racing on slow track with efforts to address diversity

            (AP)  –  Horse  racing  returns  to  Tiger Woods' dominance to champi-  Even  during  the  pandemic  that  has  the fact that it could do more and it
            Kentucky  this  weekend  for  an-   on diversity initiatives, tennis diversi-  emptied  grandstands,  business  is  needs  to  kind  of  do  more,"  Wilson
            other  signature  event  it  hopes  fying its leadership group and seeing  thriving,  with  record  money  being  said.
            will  garner  the  attention  of  a  an influx of players since Venus and  wagered all over the country, a trend
            mainstream audience.                Serena Williams burst on to the scene  that's  expected  to  continue  Friday  Daniels  believes  that  change  has  to
                                                or the National Hockey League hir-  and Saturday with 14 Breeders' Cup  start from the top and trickle down,
            While  it  wants  to  be  considered  ing Kim Davis as executive vice presi-  world championship races at Keene-  a struggle because horse racing has no
            among North America's major sports,  dent  to  oversee  social  impact,  horse  land worth $28 million.      central governing body and therefore
            the industry has so far lagged behind  racing  has  been  slow  to  market  to,                              no national marketing effort outside
            others in terms of how it is actively  attract and hire minorities outside of  But horse racing has been unable to  major events. But Daniels and other
            addressing systemic racism concerns  jobs on the backstretch and as jock-  bring  in  fresh  faces  with  no  previ-  Black  members  of  the  horse  racing
            during a nationwide reckoning on the  eys.                              ous  connection  to  the  sport,  espe-  community  have  started  some  con-
            issue. Owners Greg Harbut and Ray                                       cially minorities. By founding the Ed  versations and reported largely posi-
            Daniels hope the Breeders' Cup sig-  "They have kind of hid from the prob-  Brown  Society  named  for  the  19th  tive experiences.
            nals the start of a real conversation in  lem," Daniels said. "A lot of organiza-  century  Black  trainer,  Harbut  and
            horse racing, but they aren't waiting  tions feel as long as it's not happening  Daniels hope they can create a pipe-  "Whenever  you  have  a  small  num-
            around for change in an industry they  inside my organization, it's probably  line for Black executives and sprout a  ber of a certain group, there really is
            feel has been largely tone-deaf due to  not a place for me to comment or a  generation of new fans to diversify a  no issue, per se, because nobody else
            a lack of prominent Black stakehold-  place for me to take a stand."    crowd that's predominantly white on  feels threatened," Wilson said. "We're
            ers in place to guide the sport during                                  days without big races.              not even at the point where there are
            turbulent times.                    By Derby week in September, there                                        enough  people  where  the  system's
                                                was  an  acknowledgement  that  the  "When you go to the track, you see a  going to really just have a true issue."
            "Conversations are beginning, but at  sport  is  "not  doing  enough  quickly  98, 97% really Caucasian audience or
            this stage, that's all we're receiving is  enough"  and  has  "not  successfully  crowd that is partaking in the sport,"  One  of  the  few  black,  U.S.-born
            audio,"  said  Harbut,  who  co-owns  created an environment in which ev-  Daniels  said.  "When  you  do  have  a  jockeys on the circuit, Kendrick Car-
            Kentucky Derby horse Necker Island  eryone  feels  welcome  or  included."  chance to bring other cultures to the  mouche also has experienced the best
            and is co-founder along with Daniels  Churchill  Downs  said  it's  "commit-  track, they are quite shocked that this  of the sport, heartened by the wide-
            of an organization aimed at increasing  ted to taking real, concrete action to  is not something that the industry is  spread  response  when  he  broke  his
            minority involvement in racing. "We  address  institutional  roadblocks  to  working  on  across  the  whole  coun-  right leg last year. After kneeling with
            need some video to match the audio.  progress and playing our part in ad-  try."                             fellow jockeys in the paddock before
            When that happens, I think you'll see  vancing the changes America so des-                                   the first race when racing returned to
            things change. But the industry has to  perately needs."                Some  of  the  few  people  of  color  in  New York over the summer, he un-
            decide where it's at now. Does it re-                                   positions  of  influence  —  including  derstands actions like those are done
            ally want to see change?"           Still, being slow to change isn't hurt-  Jason Wilson, president and CEO of  for him because not many in the in-
                                                ing the sport financially.          stats site Equibase, and Alicia Hughes,  dustry can empathize.
            Unlike golf using the springboard of                                    director  of  communications  for  the
                                                                                    National  Thoroughbred  Racing  As-  "I think they understand what's going
                                                                                    sociation — struggle to effect change  on, but they don't want to be publicly
                                                                                    in a stubborn sport.                 out  there  with  it,"  Carmouche  said.
                                                                                                                         "A lot of people, if they don't believe
                                                                                    Wilson  learned  early  that  endors-  in it, they'd rather not set their mind
                                                                                    ing diversity means nothing without  up to think that way."
                                                                                    policies  and  procedures  to  address
                                                                                    it.  While  much  of  horse  racing  was  Harbut has experienced it but hopes
                                                                                    silent in the aftermath of the police  one day he will be able go to a turf
                                                                                    killing  of  George  Floyd,  Hughes  club or enter a suite without worry-
                                                                                    helped  craft  the  NTRA's  statement  ing about having to explain he's not
                                                                                    saying, "The systemic racism that has  lost or being asked if needs directions
                                                                                    poisoned  our  country  cannot  be  al-  — that "this is actually where you be-
                                                                                    lowed to inflict its pain on one more  long."
                                                                                    generation" and pushed for more ac-
                                                                                    tions.                               "Not that you need anything special
                                                                                                                         done," he said. "You just want to be
                                                                                    "Racing is kind of just waking up to  treated like a regular person."
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