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A28    u.s. news
               Diaranson 4 november 2020

                           Trump, Biden cede stage to voters for Election Day verdict

                                                                                                   day, Trump and Biden broke  as the weather turns cold.
                                                                                                   sharply over the mechanics of
                                                                                                   the  vote  itself  while  visiting  In Atlanta, occupational ther-
                                                                                                   the  most  fiercely  contested  apy  practitioner  Justin  Win-
                                                                                                   battleground, Pennsylvania.  dom, 29, said he was unsure
                                                                                                                                if he was going to vote until
                                                                                                   The  Republican  president  last night. But after speaking
                                                                                                   threatened  legal  action  to  with  his  parents  and  one  of
                                                                                                   block  the  counting  of  bal-  his  patients,  he  said  he  de-
                                                                                                   lots  received  after  Election  cided  to  get  up  at  the  crack
                                                                                                   Day.  If  Pennsylvania  ballot  of  dawn  and  cast  his  ballot
                                                                                                   counting  takes  several  days,  for  Biden  as  the  “lesser  of
                                                                                                   as is allowed, Trump claimed  two evils.” The campaign has
                                                                                                   without evidence that “cheat-  largely  been  a  referendum
                                                                                                   ing can happen like you have  on  Trump’s  handling  of  the
                                                                                                   never seen.”                 virus.  Trump  insists  the  na-
                                                                                                                                tion was “rounding the turn”
                                                                                                   In fact, there are roughly 20  on the virus. But Dr. Debo-
                                                                                                   states that allow mail-in bal-  rah  Birx,  the  coordinator  of
                                                                                                   lots  received  after  Election  the  White  House  coronavi-
                                                                                                   Day to be counted — up to  rus task force, broke with the
                                                                                                   nine days and longer in some  president and joined a chorus
                                                                                                   states. Litigation has centered  of Trump administration sci-
                                                                                                   on  just  a  few  where  states  entists  sounding  the  alarm
                                                                                                   have  made  changes  in  large  about the current spike in in-
                                                                                                   part  due  to  the  coronavirus.  fections.
                                                                                                   Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden's  “We  are  entering  the  most
                                                                                                   campaign    manager,   said  concerning  and  most  deadly
                                                                                                   Biden planned to address the  phase of this pandemic,” Birx
            (AP) — After a campaign  of America for the next four  electoral  college  votes  com-  nation  on  Tuesday  evening,  wrote in a memo distributed
            marked  by  rancor  and  years. The record-setting ear-   pared  to  Democrat  Hillary  though the winner might still  to  top  administration  offi-
            fear,  Americans  on  Tues-  ly vote — and legal skirmish-  Clinton's  232.  The  presi-  not be clear. She said Biden  cials. She added that the na-
            day decide between Presi-    ing over how it will be count-  dent,  who  returned  to  the  would stress unifying the na-  tion  was  not  implementing
            dent  Donald  Trump  and  ed — drew unsupported alle-     White House after 3 a.m. on  tion in his remarks.         “balanced”  measures  needed
            Democrat  Joe  Biden,  se-   gations of fraud from Trump,  Tuesday following a busy day                             to slow the spread of the vi-
            lecting a leader to steer a  who refused to guarantee he  of  campaigning,  visited  his  The country braced for what  rus.  The  contents  were  first
            nation battered by a surg-   would  honor  the  election’s  campaign  headquarters  in  was to come — and a result  reported  Monday  by  The
            ing  pandemic  that  has  result.                         Virginia  and  planned  to  do  that might not be known for  Washington Post.
            killed  more  than  231,000                               interviews  with  conservative  days.
            people, cost millions their  Fighting  to  the  end  for  ev-  radio  hosts  later  in  the  day.  A  new  anti-scale  fence  was  In  Concord,  New  Hamp-
            jobs  and  reshaped  daily  ery  vote,  Biden  headed  to  Vice  President  Mike  Pence  erected  around  the  White  shire,   70-year-old   Linda
            life.                        Philadelphia  and  stopped  had scheduled at least 21 in-  House.  And  in  downtowns  Eastman said she was giving
                                         by  a  carpenters'  union  hall  terviews  with  local  media  ranging  from  New  York  her  vote  to  Trump,  saying,
            Nearly  100  million  Ameri-  and  visited  his  childhood  outlets.                   to  Denver  to  Minneapolis,  “Maybe  he  wasn’t  perfect
            cans  voted  early,  and  now  it  home and church in his na-  Trump  invited  hundreds  of  workers  boarded  up  busi-  with  the  coronavirus,  but  I
            falls  to  Election  Day  voters  tive  Scranton  on  Tuesday  as  supporters  to  an  election  nesses  lest  the  vote  lead  to  think he did the best that he
            to  finish  the  job,  ending  a  part of a get-out-the-vote ef-  night party in the East Room  unrest of the sort that broke  could with what he had.”
            campaign  dominated  by  the  fort  before  awaiting  election  of the White House.    out  earlier  this  year  amid
            coronavirus  and  defined  by  results  in  his  hometown  of                          protests  over  racial  inequal-  In  Virginia  Beach,  it  was  a
            tensions over who could best  Wilmington,  Delaware.  His  The first polls close at 6 p.m.  ity.  Just  a  short  walk  from  vote for Biden from 54-year-
            address it. Each candidate de-  running  mate,  Sen.  Kamala  Eastern time in swaths of In-  the  White  House,  for  block  old Gabriella Cochrane, who
            clared  the  other  fundamen-  Harris,  was  visiting  Detroit,  diana and Kentucky, followed  after  block,  stores  had  their  said  she  thought  the  for-
            tally  unfit  to  lead  a  nation  a heavily Black city in battle-  by  a  steady  stream  of  poll  windows and doors covered.  mer  vice  president  would
            grappling  with  COVID-19  ground  Michigan.  Both  of  closings every 30 minutes to  Some kept just a front door  "surround  himself  with  the
            and    facing   foundational  their  spouses  were  headed  an hour throughout the eve-  open, hoping to attract a little  brightest  and  the  best”  to
            questions about racial justice  out,  too,  as  the  Democrats  ning. The last polls in Alaska  business.           fight the pandemic.
            and economic fairness.       reached for a clear victory.  shut down at 1 a.m. Eastern
            Biden  entered  Election  Day                             time on Wednesday.           Both  candidates  voted  early,  The challenge of counting a
            with  multiple  paths  to  vic-  Biden and his wife, Jill, start-                      and first lady Melania Trump  record-setting early vote add-
            tory  while  Trump,  playing  ed the day with a stop at St.  The  hard-fought  campaign  cast  her  ballot  Tuesday  near  ed  a  layer  of  uncertainty  to
            catch-up in a number of bat-  Joseph’s  on  the  Brandywine  left voters on both sides eager  Mar-a-Lago, the couple’s es-  an election marked by suspi-
            tleground  states,  had  a  nar-  in  Wilmington,  Delaware,  to move on.              tate  in  Palm  Beach,  Florida.  cions fueled by an incumbent
            rower but still feasible road to  with  two  of  his  grandchil-  “I believe there’s a lot of di-  Mrs.  Trump,  who  recently  who  has  consistently  trailed
            clinch  270  Electoral  College  dren  in  tow.  The  four  then  vision  and  separation,”  said  recovered  from  COVID-19,  in the polls.
            votes. Control of the Senate  walked  to  his  late  son  Beau  Kelvin  Hardnett,  who  was  was  the  only  one  not  wear-  In  west  Philadelphia,  James
            was at stake, too: Democrats  Biden’s grave, in the church  among more than two dozen  ing  a  mask  as  she  entered  “Sekou” Jenkins, 68, a retired
            needed  to  net  three  seats  if  cemetery.  Beau,  a  former  voters  who  lined  up  more  the polling site. Her spokes-  carpenter  and  mechanic,
            Biden  captured  the  White  Delaware  attorney  general,  than  hour  before  the  poll-  woman, Stephanie Grisham,  said he didn't want to take a
            House to gain control of all  died of brain cancer in 2015  ing site at the Cobb County  said  the  first  lady  was  the  chance with the mail and cast
            of  Washington  for  the  first  and had encouraged the for-  Civic Center outside Atlanta  only  person  at  the  polling  his ballot in person for Biden.
            time in a decade. The House  mer  vice  president  to  make  opened  on  Tuesday  morn-  site besides poll workers and
            was  expected  to  remain  un-  another White House run.  ing. “And I believe that once  her staff — all of whom were  “I don’t want to see no mail-
            der Democratic control.                                   we  get  past  the  names  and  tested.  Whoever  wins  will  man,"  said  Jenkins,  who
                                         Trump  called  into  “Fox  &  the  titles  and  the  personal  have to deal with an anxious  waited  in  line  for  about  an
            Voters braved long lines and  Friends,” where he predicted  agendas, then you know, we  nation, reeling from a once-  hour to cast his vote. “I like
            the threat of the virus to cast  he will win by a larger elec-  can  focus  on  some  real  is-  in-a-century heath crisis that  to  stand  here,  see  my  own
            ballots as they chose between  toral  margin  than  he  did  in  sues.” On their final full day  has closed schools and busi-  people,  wait  in  the  line  and
            two  starkly  different  visions  2016,  when  he  tallied  306  on  the  campaign  trail  Mon-  nesses and that is worsening  do my civil duty.”
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