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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 4 november 2020

                          Stocks rally again worldwide as Election Day finally arrives

            (AP) — Stocks are rallying  in  stocks  to  happen  in  such  of  supplemental  benefits  for
            Tuesday  as  Election  Day  a scenario. The future politi-  laid-off  workers  and  other
            finally arrives following a  cal  makeup  of  the  Senate  is  support  approved  earlier  by
            punishing  campaign  that  also another unknown factor  Congress.
            created  enough  uncer-      throwing uncertainty into the
            tainty  to  help  send  mar-  markets, along with the even-  But  investors  see  cases  for
            kets spinning.               tual  timing  of  a  COVID-19  optimism  in  other  electoral
                                         vaccine.                     scenarios,  too,  no  matter
            The S&P 500 was 1.8% high-   “There’s  a  sense  that  we  who wins the White House.
            er  in  afternoon  trading  and  might get some clarity on the  If  Trump  were  to  win,  that
            on pace for a second straight  outcome  of  the  direction  of  would likely mean a continu-
            healthy gain. The Dow Jones  one  or  two  wild  cards  that  ation  of  lower  tax  rates  and
            Industrial Average was up 523  have  been  moving  the  mar-  lighter  regulation  on  busi-
            points, or 1.9%, at 27,448, as  ket,” von Lipsey said.    nesses,  which  would  prop
            of  1  p.m.  Eastern  time,  and                          up the corporate profits that
            the  Nasdaq  composite  was  If Biden ends up winning, as  are the lifeblood of the stock
            1.9% higher. The gains were  polls  suggest,  the  thought  is  market.                other  slowdown  in  growth.  the S&P 500 after the cloud-
            widespread  and  global,  with  that  could  open  the  door  to                       Meanwhile,    it’s   another  networking company report-
            Treasury yields and oil prices  a big support package for the  Ultimately, many profession-  heavy  week  for  corporate  ed a 19% drop in net income
            also strengthening.          economy,  particularly  if  the  al  investors  say  which  party  earnings  reports  as  compa-  that nevertheless topped ana-
                                         Democrats  also  take  control  controls Washington matters  nies continue to report drops  lysts' forecasts.
            More  than  anything,  what  of the Senate. Many investors  much  less  to  the  economy  in profit for the summer that  Gartner  rose  11.6%  after  its
            investors  hope  for  is  a  clear  expect a “Democratic sweep,  and markets than what hap-  weren’t as bad as Wall Street  results  for  the  latest  quarter
            winner  to  emerge  from  the  which is the key to unlocking  pens with the pandemic and  feared.                   blew  past  analysts'  expecta-
            election,  even  if  it  takes  a  Congress’s  ability  to  deliver  whether a vaccine can arrive                   tions.
            while for the votes to be tal-  significant  fiscal  stimulus,”  soon  to  help  the  economy  Hanging  above  it  all  is  the  In  European  stock  markets,
            lied. Whether that’s President  said Stephen Innes of Axi in  heal.                    continuing coronavirus pan-  France’s CAC 40 rose 2.4%,
            Donald  Trump  or  former  a report.                                                   demic.  Several  European  and  Germany’s  DAX  re-
            Vice  President  Joe  Biden  is  If Trump were to win and the  The  election  is  dominating  governments  are  bringing  turned 2.6%. The FTSE 100
            less  important,  because  his-  Senate  stays  under  Republi-  investors’ attention, but plen-  back  restrictions  on  busi-  in London gained 2.3%.
            tory  shows  stocks  tend  to  can  control,  it  would  likely  ty  of  other  market-moving  nesses in hopes of stemming
            rise regardless of which party  lead  to  less  stimulus  than  events are looming this week.  worsening  virus  counts.  In  In  Asia,  South  Korea’s  Kos-
            controls the White House.    under  a  Democratic  sweep,  The Federal Reserve is meet-  the United States, where in-  pi  rose  1.9%,  Hong  Kong’s
                                         according  to  Chris  Zacca-  ing  on  interest-rate  policy  fections  are  also  rising  at  a  Hang  Seng  gained  2%  and
            "The markets are neither red  relli,  chief  investment  offi-  and  will  announce  its  deci-  troubling  rate,  the  worry  is  stocks  in  Shanghai  climbed
            nor  blue  and  today  they’re  cer for Independent Advisor  sion on Thursday. Its earlier  that  fear  alone  of  the  virus  1.4%.
            decidedly  green,”  said  Rod  Alliance.  A  Biden  win  and  moves  to  slash  interest  rates  could depress sales for com-
            von  Lipsey,  managing  direc-  Republican  Senate  would  to  record  lows  and  to  step  panies.                 The  yield  on  the  10-year
            tor  at  UBS  Private  Wealth  be  least  beneficial  to  stocks,  forcefully into bond markets                     Treasury rose to 0.88% from
            Management.                  meanwhile, because it would  to  push  prices  higher  have  So far this earnings reporting  0.84% late Monday.
                                         mean  the  lowest  chance  for  helped Wall Street soar since  season, companies are saying  A  gauge  of  fear  in  the  U.S.
            What  investors  fear  is  the  stimulus.                 March.                       their  profits  fell  during  the  stock  market,  which  mea-
            prospect of a contested elec-                                                          summer, but not by as much  sures  expected  volatility  for
            tion,  one  that  drags  on  and  Investors  and  economists  The  Labor  Department  is  as Wall Street feared.    the  S&P  500,  fell  4.5%  and
            injects even more uncertainty  have  been  clamoring  for  a  also  releasing  its  jobs  report                    continued its decline follow-
            into  markets.  Much  of  Wall  renewal of stimulus since the  for October on Friday, where  Arista  Networks  jumped  ing  last  week’s  jump  to  its
            Street  expects  a  sharp  drop  expiration  of  the  last  round  economists expect to see an-  15.8% to the biggest gain in  highest level since June.

                         Wisconsin trooper stops driver hauling snowmobile atop car

                                                                                                   (AP)  —  The  Wisconsin  cording  to  DOT  spokes-
                                                                                                   State  Patrol  had  a  lit-  woman Christena O’Brien.
                                                                                                   tle  advice  for  a  guy  who
                                                                                                   transported a snowmobile  The driver, Matthew Schmit,
                                                                                                   by strapping it to the roof  of  Clayton,  told  the  trooper
                                                                                                   of his Toyota Corolla: Bad  he had just bought the snow-
                                                                                                   idea.                        mobile  and  was  driving  it
                                                                                                                                over  to  a  friend’s  house  to
                                                                                                   A  trooper  pulled  over  the  show  him,  the  Star  Tribune
                                                                                                   driver  on  Highway  63  in  reported.
                                                                                                   northwestern  Wisconsin  on
                                                                                                   Sunday  afternoon  after  see-  “I know it looks sketchy, but
                                                                                                   ing the snowmobile perched  we had it strapped down and
                                                                                                   sideways on top of the sedan.  shook it,” he said. “Up like in
                                                                                                                                this kind of region, stuff like
                                                                                                   The  Wisconsin  Department  this gets seen all the time, but
                                                                                                   of  Transportation  tweeted  a  more like the back roads.”
                                                                                                   photo of the car with the Po-
                                                                                                   laris topper on Monday with  Schmit  told  the  trooper  his
                                                                                                   a  message:  “Folks,  don't  try  vehicle  had  Minnesota  li-
                                                                                                   this at home.”               cense  plates  because  he  had
                                                                                                                                purchased the car in the Twin
                                                                                                   The  23-year-old  driver  was  Cities  last  spring  and  hadn't
                                                                                                   issued  a  warning  about  the  gotten around to transferring
                                                                                                   hauling  technique  and  cited  the title.
                                                                                                   for  failing  to  buckle  up,  ac-
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