Page 260 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 260


                              HCHB Service Codes

                               Specific Codes for OASIS
                               HCHB Service Codes
                               Billable Admission with OASIS Data Collection   RN 00
                               Recert with Skill                           RN 02
                               Recert without Skill                        RN 03
                               ROC/Recert (ROC within the 5 day EOE window)   RN 05

                               Resumption of Care (ROC)                    RN 15
                               Significant Change in Condition / Follow Up (SCIC)   RN 17

                               DC Visit + OASIS Collection (from agency)   RN 18
                               DC Visit without OASIS collection (from discipline only)  RN 19
                                Transfer to Inpatient Facility – Data Collection Only   RN 44
                               Discharge – Data Collection Only (No visit made)   RN 66
                               Death at Home                               RN 88
                               Transfer to Inpatient facility              RN99


                               What is a “Recertification:

                                 Updated OASIS required by CMS when services will extend
                                   beyond the 60 day cert period.

                                Why is a Recert necessary:

                                 Recert is required if a patient has Medicare or any other insurance,
                                   and continues to require skilled care to meet a goal  (i.e: wound
                                   care, rehab), or be maintained at home, (i.e: Foley catheter,

                                 Recert may be done for patients with Medicaid for non-skilled
                                   services, ( ex. prepour/prefill), when no care giver is available or
                                   willing to provide this care.

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