Page 260 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 260
HCHB Service Codes
Specific Codes for OASIS
HCHB Service Codes
Billable Admission with OASIS Data Collection RN 00
Recert with Skill RN 02
Recert without Skill RN 03
ROC/Recert (ROC within the 5 day EOE window) RN 05
Resumption of Care (ROC) RN 15
Significant Change in Condition / Follow Up (SCIC) RN 17
DC Visit + OASIS Collection (from agency) RN 18
DC Visit without OASIS collection (from discipline only) RN 19
Transfer to Inpatient Facility – Data Collection Only RN 44
Discharge – Data Collection Only (No visit made) RN 66
Death at Home RN 88
Transfer to Inpatient facility RN99
What is a “Recertification:
Updated OASIS required by CMS when services will extend
beyond the 60 day cert period.
Why is a Recert necessary:
Recert is required if a patient has Medicare or any other insurance,
and continues to require skilled care to meet a goal (i.e: wound
care, rehab), or be maintained at home, (i.e: Foley catheter,
Recert may be done for patients with Medicaid for non-skilled
services, ( ex. prepour/prefill), when no care giver is available or
willing to provide this care.