Page 350 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 350


                           Tracheostomy Tubes and Their Uses

                                    Tube                  Purpose                Indications
                            Cuffed Single Cannula   Extra length, larger inner   Positive pressure
                                                          diameter           ventilation, protection
                                                                            from aspiration, center
                                                                             tube in airway, OSA,
                                                                            obesity, thick/deep neck
                           Uncuffed Single Cannula  Extra length, larger inner  OSA, obesity, thick/deep
                                                          diameter           neck. Non-ventilated
                             Cuffed Dual Cannula     Airway Maintenance,       Positive pressure
                                                   secretion control/access   ventilation, protection
                                                          to suction        from aspiration, center
                                                                            tube in airway. Primary
                                                                                 surgical tube
                            Uncuffed Dual Cannula     Long-term airway      Capability to move to smaller
                                                    maintenance, secretion   size as patient improves. Non-
                                                   control/access to suction    ventilated patients

                              Cuffed Tracheostomy

                              If the patient has a cuffed tracheostomy, attach a 5-10 cc
                                 syringe into the cuff to deflate the air
                                       *** Document the amount of air withdrawn***
                              To re-inflate, slowly inject the amount of air (2-5 cc) to
                                 achieve adequate seal
                              Use a stethoscope during inflation to gauge proper
                                 inflation point
                              Check for air leaks

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