Page 358 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 358
Change Ties/Securement Device:
Obtain assistance from another person before loosening
the ties/device
Ask assistant to hold tracheostomy tube in place by
plate/flanges while changing the ties/device
Secure the tracheostomy ties/device that go around
patient’s neck, with only space for 1 – 2 fingers between
tie/device and neck
If using a securement device, apply per manufacturer’s
A Method For Using Twill Ties:
Cut one long piece of twill tape about twice the
circumference of patient’s neck
• Thread half the length through the hole on one side of
tracheostomy plate
• Bring that end around the back of the neck and thread
through the hole on the other end of plate
• Bring both ends together and tie at the side of the neck
in a square knot.
• Trim excess length on the diagonal
Assess patency of airway, position of the tube and
patient’s respiratory status.