Page 1 - POWERGEN E-Brochure
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                                                                                                                          Energy Savings Integrators



Veri?able Energy Savings
        & E?ciency Technology

                               “Actual energy reductions and
                               savings exceeded the proposed
                               expectations providing for an
                               even shorter ROI payback than
                               we had anticipated”.

                                            Facility Mgr.
                                            Washington Post
                                            Sprin?eld VA Plant

Reduce electricity kWh usage by a conservative 8%-12% in facilities with
normal electrical and operating conditions
Realize short ROI payback of 1.5 to 2 years for a Turnkey XL System
Improved power quality in electrical system increases e?ciency of
connected loads and decreases equipment maintenance and downtime
Protect electrical systems and connected capital equipment from
damaging electrical irregularities, both internal and external
Reduce facility’s carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
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