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POWERGEN is a prime distributor and integrator of XL Energy Conservation      XL Technology Background
& Protection Systems for customers with any size facility. The company’s
core product is the XL-Series Universal Shunt E?ciency System (USES®)         The invention of today’s XL-Series products began 20 years ago when an
from USES MFG. INC.                                                           electrical engineering company won a contract to design and implement
XL-Series Product Line                                                        a superior electrical solution to protect a large cold-storage facility from
XL products are dynamic, passive, resonance-free devices that (i) generate    damaging electrical irregularities.
power thru Electro-Magnetic Induction EMI (ii) condition power and (iii)      The initial electrical protection design concept was expanded to include
protect electrical systems and loads from harmful electrical conditions.      today’s Electro-Magnetic Induction (EMI) based power generating and
XL devices reduces electricity cost and kwh usage by generating watts for     power conditioning features. This all-in-one Energy Conservation
connected facility loads which reduces or displaces kWh usage at the utility  Measure (ECM) resulted in the patented CMES product line which was
billing meter. As power conditioners, XL devices balance amps and voltage     widely installed by facility managers worldwide.
between phases, reduce harmonics and improve quality of power which           The 2nd generation XL-Series product line was announced in July 2012
increase e?ciency of connected loads and extends life span which reduces      which was a 40% to 50% performance increase over CMES predecessor
equipment maintenance cost and downtime. XL devices also provide 24x7         products. Ongoing R&D work continues today.
protection to electrical systems and connected loads from harmful electri-
cal conditions like voltage spikes, surges, transients, lighting and other    Start Your Energy Savings Project Today
irregularities from the grid.                                                 Our energy saving projects begin with a 6-step due diligence e?ort
XL Certi cations                                                              which we manage up-front at no customer risk. This due diligence takes
XL-Series products were announced in early July 2012 after 2 years of ?eld    7-10 days to complete and requires little time from our customers.
veri?cation and certi?cation by Underwriter Laboratories. U.S. General        To get started, all we need are 12 months of recent facility electric bills,
Services Administration also certi?ed this technology and has procured it     all pages. Also, if available, but not mandatory, some customers provide
under contract # GS-07F-0422W for several mission critical facilities to      1-line electrical schematics (2-3 pages) that illustrate basic main electri-
reduce electric cost, condition power and protect sensitive computing,        cal gear, such as utility transformers, main distribution panels (MDP),
storage and communications equipment.                                         main breakers and the load circuits connected to those main breakers.
XL Scalability                                                                After we analyze basic facility data, customers will receive a preliminary
XL Systems are 100% scalable by connecting modules together to form a         proposal so they can make an informed decision about our ECM, risk
much larger facility wide energy conservation system to meet the electrical   free. The prelim proposal includes (i) annual electricity cost and kWh
and operating conditions of any facility type and size.                       savings (ii) ROI payback and (iii) installation comments.
XL Installation                                                               Our last due diligence e?ort is to complete an on site pre-install walk
XL modules can be installed in harsh industrial and weather environments.     through of the entire facility to con?rm ?nal electricity cost and kWh
They can be placed CENTRALLY at service entrances on Main Distribution        savings and an installation scope of work for electricians. Our on-site
Panels or DISTRIBUTED closer to loads on existing subpanels, VFD’s, MCC’s,    visit will be quickly followed with a ?nal Turnkey XL System proposal
controls, etc. or any of the above. They are installed in parallel.           with no conditions to procure.

10-STEP PROJECT DELIVERY                                                                       PowerGEN                          PoSwy setreGmENs
                                                                                                   Systems                             Energy Savings Integrators
Customers have a single point of accountability thru the 10-step project delivery process
outlined below. Pre-Sale activities 1-6 are completed up-front at no risk so customers can      Energy Savings Integrators       PowerGEN
make an informed decision concerning our XL Energy Conservation & Protection System                                                  Systems
based on actual facility electrical conditions and loads.                                      PoSwy setreGmENs
Post Sale activities 7-10 include procurement and integration of the XL System into a                Energy Savings Integrators   Energy Savings Integrators
customer’s existing electrical distribution system and performance testing to verify the
installed XL System achieved or exceeded the proposed energy savings and ROI period.

1 Analyze 12 Historical Electric Bills                                                         PowerGEN                          PowerGEN
                                                                                                   Systems                            Systems
2 Determine Facility Load Pro?le
                                                                                                Energy Savings Integrators          Energy Savings Integrators
3 Identify Energy Impacting Variables                                             PRE-SALE
4 Create Baseline for Future Performance Comparison                           DUE DILIGENCE    PowerGEN                          PowerGEN
                                                                                                     Systems                         Systems
                                                                                                    Energy Savings Integrators    Energy Savings Integrators

5 Con?gure XL Energy Conservation System

6 Submit Turnkey XL System Proposal

7 Procurement

8 Integrate XL System into Existing Electrical System                         POST SALE

9  Verify XL Energy Cost Savings via Timed Interval Sampling (TIS) Testing    IMPLEMENTATION   POWERGEN can determine energy cost and kWh
                                                                                   ACTIVITIES  savings opportunities up-front for any size facility
                                                                                               and will provide turn-key installation service.
10 Verify XL Energy Cost Savings in Utility Bills

   2 Reduce your facility electric usage kWh by 8% to 12% for 1.5 to 2 year ROI
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