Page 3 - POWERGEN E-Brochure
P. 3

XL SYSTEM SAVINGS                                                                                HOW FACILITY CONDITIONS IMPACT ENERGY SAVINGS
                                                                                                 When compared to Normal Energy Savings, Superior Energy Savings can
“The 2010 installation of the Power Shaver energy saving and surge protection USES®              be attributed in part to facilities that have poorer electrical conditions,
technology in The Washington Post Spring?eld, Virginia printing plant has proven to              have more inductive load, operate more hours per day or week and have
be much more valuable than we had anticipated. The actual energy reductions and                  higher tari?s and e?ciency penalties.
savings have exceeded the proposed expectations providing for an even shorter                    FACILITY MAINTENANCE SAVINGS
payback than we had anticipated. The Power Shaver system has provided many                       Customers who manage facility maintenance closely saw a reduction in
bene?ts in an environmentally friendly manner, and it has proven to be a valuable                maintenance cost and downtime due to increased energy e?ciency of
asset to our operations and The Washington Post’s e?orts to preserve our natural                 connected equipment loads and improved quality of power throughout
resources.”                                                                                      the electrical system. For example, motors operating more e?ciently
                                                                                                 had a reduction in costly pre-mature re-builds and replacement.
                                        Facility Manager, The Washington Post,                   Likewise, facility and equipment downtime due to unscheduled equip-
                                        Spring?eld, Virginia Printing Plant (Front Cover)        ment maintenance is also considered a savings.
NORMAL ENERGY SAVINGS                                                                            HOW MUCH ELECTRICITY CAN YOU SAVE AT YOUR FACILITY?
Most XL System customers running facilities under normal operational and                         POWERGEN will conservatively determine your facility’s potential
electrical conditions reduce facility electricity kWh usage by 8% to 12%                         electricity usage kWh savings up-front and risk free. So call POWERGEN
with an ROI payback of 1.5 to 2 years.                                                           today at 440-941-0250 and start your facility’s energy savings project.
Other XL System customers running facilities with very poor electrical
conditions reduce facility electricity kWh usage by 12% to 17% with an ROI
payback of 1.5 years or less.

Whether you a large 1,000,000 sqft Fortune 500 facility operating 24x7 with several electric services or a small 50,000 sqft facility
operating 8x5 with a single service, POWERGEN will implement an XL System to meet the unique operational and electrical conditions
of your facility.

                                                                                                 (S$o) fEtleCcotsrtic($S)IanMvcirnaeginasst.eSEaqEvuxinitpegmsndenEtquE?iRpemcdieeunnccteyLCifaerbSRopenadnuFoceotGprrIeinnectnrehaosueseElGePcartosreticesacltSEylsetcetmricCalaSpyasctietym     Loads
The table below shows Total XL Energy Savings (100%) broken down     by  the 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                 &
energy saving methods in terms of % savings, features and bene?ts.
XL % SAVINGS by METHOD            XL FEATURES                                              Cost

         70% Savings               Reduces Billed kWh & kW                                                        70% Power
                                  Reduces Total Current and kVA                                                   Generation
   Current (Amps) Generation
thru Electro-Magnetic Induction.

    8% to 10% Savings             Improves Inter-Phase Balance
                                     of Voltage & /Amperage
        Phase Balancing
thru Magnetic Phase Coupling

     7% to 10% Savings                Reduces Billed kWh & kW,                                                       27% Power
                                  Improve Quality of Power, Protect                                                 Conditioning
 Transients Filtered, Converted                                                                                   3% Power Factor
and Shunted to Electrical System      Electrical System & Loads.
                                    Reduces Harmful, non-Power,                                                       Correction
    as clean “Usable Power”       Waveform Distorting High & Low

      4% to 7% Savings                 Order Harmonic Current

    Harmonic Power Filtered
and Shunted to Electrical System

    as clean “Usable Power”.

     1% to 3% Savings             ReduRceesduBcilelesdRReeaactcitvieveDDeemmaannddkV(kAVRAR)
                                   or non-Power Magnetic Field Demand
  Power Factor Correction via
Wrap-Around Magnetic Chokes               CauImsepdrobvyeInPdouwcetirvFeaLcotoards
                                   The energy conservation methods above are discussed in more detail on page 7.
100% Total Energy Savings

Call 440-941-0250 today and start your no-risk energy savings project                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3
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