Page 4 - POWERGEN E-Brochure
P. 4
POWERGEN uses Metrix 4 to normalize energy impacting variables and
METRIX 4 UTILITY ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE verify true cost savings of installed XL Systems. Metrix 4 normalizes
POWERGEN uses Metrix 4 utility accounting software, a statistical based variables and relates them together using regression analysis and other
accounting application that uses regressions analysis to calculate energy statistical methods.
savings in customer electric bills attributable to an installed XL Energy
Conservation System (XL System). Typical variables to be normalized when comparing historical electric
bills to performance period electric bills include:
Metrix 4 is widely accepted and used by energy managers, facility manag-
ers, property managers and energy consultants who track kW demand, # of Days in Bill Period Downtime
kWh consumption and determine energy savings for Energy Conservation
Measures (ECM) like the XL System. Electric Rates & Tari?s Occupancy
Obtaining funding for an energy project can be di?cult. So it’s important
to accurately justify the expenditure up-front and to verify the electricity Other variables could include facility size (sqft) due to facility expansion
savings following installation. or shrinkage, facility load (Amps) due to equipment adds, deducts and
upgrades and installation of other ECMs during the performance period
Imagine if performance period utility bills showed increased usage kWh such as lighting upgrades, load shedding, etc.
and cost, even though the customer saved energy. Metrix 4 can answer
di?cult questions like this and more when verifying energy savings. METRIX 4 ACCOUNTING METHOD
Metrix 4 uses “Cost Avoidance” accounting to determine the true cost
Is our energy savings program really saving the amount of money savings in electric bills. In other words, how much electricity would
we expected? your facility have used in the 2015 Baseline Year” when normalized to
How did weather, occupancy or production volume impact energy 2016 “Performance Year” conditions?
savings this year? Did we achieve our energy savings goal?
Should we keep our current electricity rate plan or should we switch
to the new provider’s proposed rate plan?
How much will adding a 3rd shift cost in terms of energy cost? Will
this non-peak 3rd shift help our load factor or hurt it?
Electricity Usage Savings (kWh) PowerGEN
BASELINE (4-2-2011 to 4-2-2012) -vs- ACTUAL (4-3-2012 to 4-9-2013)
Energy Savings Integrators
Baseline Actual
--- Customer’s Quote ---
200,000 2000A 480V 3-Phase 4-Wire (2) 480V Bus Ducts - 50,000 Ft. Air Conditioned - 8 Hr M-F Production Day Shift “The POWERGEN energy
150,000 (4) 240V Bus Ducts - 8 Hr M-F Small Night Setup Shift conservation system actually has
(1) 480/277V Lighting Manufacturing Plant - 4 Hr SAT Small Catch-up Day Shift improved the operation of other
- Metal Roll Form and Steel plant equipment. As I am sure you
know, power quality here leaves a
Welded Tube & Pipe lot to be desired. Since installing
NOTE: plant manufactured more product with lower kWh the System we have seen a
consumption in performance year ending 3/31/2013 as marked improvement in plant
compared to the baseline year ending 4/2/2012.
Usage kWh 100,000
The cost savings has been
50,000 consistent. The only ?uctuation is
due to the fact that we run our
0 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar plant air conditioning system for a
Jun Jul Aug Feb Mar Total 4 month period. This causes a
Performance Year Ending 3/31/2013 190,205 212,411 183,785 135,563 151,301 1,920,406 ?uctuation in savings but that’s
165,600 196,800 164,100 124,500 140,100 1,748,100 only because the way the System
Scenario Apr May 24,605 15,611 19,685 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan 11,063 11,201 172,306 is designed the more power you
12.94% 7.35% 10.71% 168,918 130,723 137,253 143,340 144,159 8.16% 7.40% use the more you actually save.
Baseline 153,127 169,621 154,800 122,700 127,800 130,500 133,200 8.97%
$1,515 $1,938 14,118 8,023 9,453 12,840 10,959 $1,103 $1,129 The payback on our System will be
7.52% 10.89% 8.36% 6.14% 6.89% 8.96% 7.60% 8.42% 7.66% $17,345 less than 2 years.
Facility Manager
Roll-Kraft, Mentor OH
Actual 145,800 142,200
Savings kWh 7,327 27,421
4.78% 16.17%
Savings $ $751 $2,755 $2,474 $1,460 $872 $969 $1,281 $1,097
5.04% 16.36% 13.11% 8.58% 6.39% 7.15% 9.22% 7.87%
4 Reduce your facility electric usage kWh by 8% to 12% for 1.5 to 2 year ROI