Page 594 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 594

Median Loss and Duration
               by Detection Method

               In addition to determining the most common meth-  passive detection methods because those mechanisms
               ods of detection, we also analyzed the median loss   might or might not involve proactive efforts specifically
               and duration of fraud schemes based on how they   to identify fraud, depending on the circumstances.
               were uncovered. Our results indicate that there is a
               correlation between the way in which occupational   Our findings show that median duration and median
               fraud schemes are detected and the severity of the   loss were relatively low in frauds that were detected
               fraud. More importantly, the data points to steps or-  by active methods. Frauds detected passively tended
               ganizations can take to detect fraud proactively and,   to last much longer and have larger median losses.
               in doing so, mitigate losses.                   For instance, frauds detected actively by IT controls
                                                               tended to last five months and cause a median loss of
               Figure 11  portrays the median loss and median dura-  USD 39,000, compared to schemes detected passive-
               tion for all cases, based on the method by which they
               were detected. We grouped each of these detection   ly through notification from law enforcement, which
               methods into three categories: active, passive, or   tended to last two years and cause a median loss of
               potentially active or passive. Active detection methods   almost USD 1 million. The key takeaway from this data
               (shaded teal) involve a deliberate search for miscon-  is that organizations can reduce the impact of fraud
               duct from someone within the organization or an inter-  by pursuing internal controls and policies that actively
               nal control designed to detect fraud. Passive detection   detect fraud, such as thorough management review,
               methods (shaded black) refer to cases in which the   account reconciliation, and surveillance/monitoring.
               organization discovers the fraud by accident, confes-  Organizations that do not actively seek out fraud are
               sion, or unsolicited notification by another party. We   likely to experience schemes that continue for much
               classified tips and external audit as potentially active or   longer and at a higher cost.

               FIG. 11  How does detection method relate to fraud duration and loss?

                     30      Active detection method
                             Potentially active or passive detection method       $150,000 24 months
                 MEDIAN MONTHS T O DETECTION  20  11 months  12 months 14 months $130,000  18 months $250,000  24 months  $935,000
                             Passive detection method

                                                                          23 months
                                                                                               24 months
                                                           18 months
                     0  5 months  6 months
                       Surveillance/monitoring  Management review
                      IT controls         Internal audit             Tip  External audit  By  accident  Confession Notified by police
                               Account reconciliation
                                                    Document examination

    18    Detection  Report to the Nations
   589   590   591   592   593   594   595   596   597   598   599