Page 616 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 616

Position of Perpetrator        FIG. 32  How does gender distribution and median loss vary based on
               Based on Gender                the perpetrator’s level of authority?
               One possible reason that fraud
               losses caused by men are larger                             73%
               than those caused by women
               could be related to levels of         58%
               authority. As shown in Figure 24
               on pg. 33, fraudsters with high              42%
               levels of authority (e.g., execu-
               tives and owners) tend to cause   PERCENT OF C A SES                27%
               much larger losses than those
               with low authority (e.g., rank-                                                            14%
               and-file employees).

               Figure 32 shows that the pro-
               portion of male fraudsters rises        Employee              Manager             Owner/executive
               with the perpetrators’ level of
               authority. At the employee level,
               only 58% of fraudsters were         $50,000 $50,000
               male, but that number increased                                   $128,000
               to 73% for managers and 86%                               $165,000
               for owners/executives. Given
               that there were far more men                                                             $295,000
               than women in higher levels
               of authority in our dataset, we   MEDIAN L OSS
               would expect the median loss
               for males to be larger.

               But interestingly, even when
               we account for authority
               level, males still tend to cause
               significantly larger losses than        Male     Female
               females in managerial and                                                       $1,000,000
               owner/executive roles. Male
               owners/executives caused a
               median loss of USD 1 million,
               as opposed to a median loss
               of USD 295,000 caused by
               female owners/executives.
               Among managers there was
               also a gender discrepancy in
               median loss, although not nearly
               as large. At the employee level,
               male and female median losses
               were equal.

    40    Perpetrators  Report to the Nations
   611   612   613   614   615   616   617   618   619   620   621