Page 677 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 677

                                             Hotline and Reporting
                                          Mechanism E ectiveness
                                                          Hotline Effectiveness

                                             Maintaining a hotline or reporting mechanism
                                            speeds up fraud detection and reduces losses.
                                          Fraud awareness training further improves cultivation
                                                of tips through reporting mechanisms.

                                        MEDIAN LOSSES WERE NEARLY
                                                                                        Organizations with hotlines
                                                          AT ORGANIZATIONS             detect frauds MORE QUICKLY
                      %          doubled WITHOUT HOTLINES                               than those without hotlines

               64 OF
         victim organizations                               $198,000                    with HOTLINES  12 months
            had hotlines                    $100,000        without
                                          with hotlines     hotlines                   without HOTLINES      18 months

                                                                                              MEDIAN DURATION

                      E ect of EMPLOYEE FRAUD AWARENESS TRAINING
                                    on hotlines and reporting

                    Training increases the           Tips are more likely to be
                    likelihood of detection by tip   submitted through reporting
                                                     mechanisms with training

                     48%      of cases detected       tips with        56%
                              by tip with training

                      36%    of cases detected by     tips without   37%
                             tip without training

              Organizations with            Small organizations are especially         Since 2010, the use of hotlines
           hotlines detected fraud          likely to detect occupational fraud by tip  or reporting mechanisms
                                                                                       has increased
               by tip more often                                                       notably                  49%

                                                   <100         47 %
                 49%                                                   cases          41%
                 OF CASES    31%                                       detected
                 DETECTED                                              by tip
                  BY TIP    OF CASES
                             BY TIP                100+         31 %
                HOTLINES  NO HOTLINES
                                                                                       2010  2012  2014  2016  2018  2020

                                                                                                 Detection  Report to the Nations     21
   672   673   674   675   676   677   678   679   680   681   682