Page 680 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 680



         To better understand the victim organiza-
         tions in our study, we questioned partici-
         pants about the organizations’ type, size,
         and industry, as well as the mechanisms              FIG. 14  What types of organizations are victimized by
         that the organizations had in place to               occupational fraud?
         prevent and detect fraud at the time the                   44%

         schemes occurred.                                                  26%
                                                               PERCENT OF C A SES    16%

             Type of Organization                                                             9%      5%

             As shown in Figure 14, 70% of frauds occurred
             in for-profit organizations, with 44% of the victim   company  company  Government  Nonprofit  Other
             organizations being private companies and 26%
             being public companies. Private and public or-
             ganizations each suffered a median loss of USD
             150,000. Nonprofit organizations only reported
             9% of fraud cases and suffered the smallest
             median loss of USD 75,000; however, many non-     MEDIAN L OSS
             profits have limited financial resources to begin                              $75,000
             with, so a loss of this amount can be particularly
             devastating to these entities (see “Fraud in Non-                      $100,000         $100,000
             profits” infographic on page 28).

             Level of Government Organization
             Resources and operations vary at different            $150,000  $150,000
             levels of government, which can influence how
             fraud affects these organizations. To illustrate
             this, we analyzed the government organizations     FIG. 15  What levels of government are victimized
                                                                by occupational fraud?
             in our study by level. National-level government
             entities experienced the greatest number of
             frauds (45%) and had the highest median loss                               National: 45%  Local: 32%
             of USD 200,000, which is more than twice as       45                    2 + F + 21 + 32 +  State/provincial: 21%  Other: 2%
             much as the median loss at state/provincial                                ($91,000*)     (N/A*)
             government entities (USD 91,000). While local
             governments reported the second-highest                                  *Dollar amounts are median loss. Median loss
                                                                                      calculations for categories with fewer than 10
             number of cases (32%), they suffered a relatively                        cases were omitted.
             lower median loss of USD 75,000.

    24    Victim Organizations  Report to the Nations
   675   676   677   678   679   680   681   682   683   684   685