Page 678 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 678

Reporting Mechanisms

               In cases where a reporting mechanism was used to   equal to telephone hotlines. The use of mailed
               report fraud, we asked respondents to indicate how   forms has also dropped from 17% to 12% since 2016.
                                WHAT FORMAL REPOR TING MECHANISMS DID
               the tip came in. In our two previous reports, tele-  These findings indicate that whistleblowers’ pre-
                                          WHIS TLEBL O WERS USE?
               phone hotlines were the most common mechanism   ferred methods of reporting fraud may be shifting,
               whistleblowers used by a substantial margin. As   particularly toward online and in electronic written
               shown in Figure 12, telephone hotline use declined   form. Consequently, organizations should consider
               substantially in this report, while email and web-  maintaining multiple reporting channels to fit the
               based/online reporting each rose to become nearly   needs of those who submit tips.

                                 FIG. 12  What formal reporting mechanisms did whistleblowers use?

                Telephone hotline  40%

                         Email  34%                                                  33%  33%

             Web-based/online form  24%

                Mailed letter/form  17%

                         Other  10%                          9%                        9%

                          Fax    2%                          1%                        1%

                                2016                         2018                     2020

    22    Detection  Report to the Nations
   673   674   675   676   677   678   679   680   681   682   683