Page 60 - Agib Bank Ltd Annual Report and IFRS Financial statements 2020
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(iii)     Market risk

                   Market risk is the risk of loss of income arising from unfavourable market movements, including foreign exchange
     rates  and  profit  rates.  The  objective  of  market  risk  management  is  to  manage  and  control  exposures  within
     acceptable parameters, whilst optimising returns. The Company is not exposed to any material foreign currency
     risk. Given the bank’s current profile of financial instruments, the principal exposure is the risk of loss arising from
     fluctuations in the future cash flows or fair values of these financial instruments because of a change in achievable
     rates. This is managed principally through monitoring gaps between effective profit and rental rates and reviewing
     approved rates and bands at regular re-pricing meetings:

             Profit rates for Commodity Murabaha receivables are agreed with the counterparty bank at the time of
             each transaction and the profit (mark-up) and effective yield rate is consequently fixed (for Murabaha) for
             the duration of the contract. Risk exposure is managed by reviewing the maturity profiles of transactions
             entered into.
             Effective rates applied to new consumer finance transactions are agreed on a monthly basis by ALCO
             and the profit (mark-up) will then be fixed for each individual transaction for the agreed deferred payment
             Profit rates payable on Mudaraba customer deposit accounts are calculated at each month-end in line
             with the profit allocation model and the customer terms and conditions. Profit rates payable on Murabaha
             deposits are agreed with the customer at the time of each transaction and the profit (mark-up) and effective
             yield rate is consequently fixed (for Murabaha) and maintained (for Wakala) for the duration of the contract.
             Risk exposure is managed by reviewing the maturity profiles of transactions entered into.

       Management of market risk
                    Overall  authority for  market  risk is vested  in ALCO. Risk  Management Committee  is  responsible for  the
       development of detailed risk management policies (subject to review and approval by the board) and for the day-
       to-day review of their implementation.

                                                    Carrying   Less than      3 - 6        6-1       1 - 5
                                                     amount    3 months   months       months      years    years
       Cash and cash equivalents                     897,150     897,150         -           -          -       -
       Islamic finances customers                  1,159,410      13,847    80,829     300,406    749,112  15,216
       Investment securities                         309,884           -               309,884          -        -
                                                   2,366,444     910,997    80,829     610,290   749,112  15,216

       Deposits from banks                                  -           -         -           -         -        -
       Deposits from customers                     2,482,733     972,714       9,094    1,500,925       -        -
        Effect of derivatives held for risk
        management                                          -           -         -           -         -        -
                                                   2,482,733     972,714     9,094   1,500,925          -       -

        Cash and cash equivalents                    359,414     359,414         -           -          -
        Islamic finances customer                    820,863      25,599   123,975     175,345    482,881  13,063
        Investment securities                        438,027           -   128,507     309,520          -
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