Page 62 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 62
Creativity is Thinking Up New things
Innovation is Doing New Things
ATL (Atal Tinkering Laboratories)
With a vision to ‘Cultivate one million After some research we figured out that this
children in India as Neoteric Innovators’, was a problem being faced not only in this
Atal Innovation Mission is establishing Atal particular area but throughout the country.
Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools So with the help of Bi-Box we came up with
across India. It is an initiative by the an idea that
Government of India under the Niti Ayog would solve
Scheme. The objective of this scheme is to this issue
foster curiosity, creativity and imagination and also a
in young minds; and inculcate skills such as l o t o f
a design mind set, computational thinking, v a r i o u s
adaptive learning, physical computing etc. c o n n e c t e d
We at DPSBN felt that we could meet these issues. After
criteria and come up with something which a number of
nobody had thought of . Design-Water Management
tests and
After a month of research, hard work and trials, we System Prototype
brainstorming we came up with an idea we managed to come up with a working
knew we could continue with. An idea that prototype of a Water Management System
was innovative and fascinating enough to which could drastically improve the
impress the jury. An idea that could change efficiency of water supply and rationing in
the lives of the people for the better. Getting the country.
an idea wasn’t remotely easy.
The next step was to take the prototype to
We went to the villages around the school an advanced level. On the 5th of November
and spoke to the residents to get an 3 members of our team (Ananya Arora,
understanding of the problems they were Prajith Prakash and Aditya Kannan) along
facing. We also tested the TDS (Total with our Principal Mrs. Manju
dissolved solids) levels of water and were Balasubramanyam flew to Hyderabad to
stunned by the extremely high readings and present this in front of the jury. The
knew that competition took place at Osmania
this was the University where there were schools from
issue we all over South
needed to India to
focus on. s h o w c a s e
t h e i r
Our project of
an efficient
Team interacting with the villagers
W a t e r
S y s t e m Prototype– Efficient Water
secured us a Management System
grant of Rs. 20 Lakhs and a place among
the top 250 schools in the country out of the
25,000 schools that had participated
Prajith Prakash (Class 10)
Students involved in the Project