Page 17 - May 2018 Traveler
P. 17
We will be hosting another eight week
"Matter of Balance" class taught by Danica
Gray of Lifescapes Services. Do you have con-
cerns about falling? The program emphasizes
practical strategies to manage falls. The class
will be held on Monday afternoons from 1 pm -
3 pm beginning June 18th. The class is free of
charge and includes 30 minutes of exercises to
increase strength and balance the last five
weeks. Invite your friends. There's a signup
sheet on the bulletin board.
Messages from Sharon Beksel, Director of Pastoral Care….
As Director of Pastoral Care,
I am available for home, nursing home and hospital visits. We want to make sure
your needs and cares are being met. We also have lists of agencies and resources
available. If you'd like a visit, please call or have a family member call me on my cell
phone 815-979-8812 or leave a message with Shannon at the church office.
Prayers of the People:
If you would like to add someone to our prayers on Sunday mornings, please fill out a
request card found in the pews and pass to the usher during the Hymn of the Day or
notify Sharon Beksel at 815-979-8812. We will keep persons in our prayers for a
month unless Sharon receives a request for a longer period. Please contact Sharon
with any concerns.