Page 16 - May 2018 Traveler
P. 16
Evangelism - Engage and Invite!
Calling All Greeters
Wanna Be Greeters!!
How about attending a hometown
The Evangelism Team will be hosting a baseball game and cheer on
short 10-15 minute training class after some of our younger youth?
worship on Sunday, May 20th and you Once baseball schedules are out, we'll
are invited!! Your smiling faces are the let you know the date! We'll put on our
first to greet members and visitors on Trinity shirts and have fun at the ball-
Sunday mornings. We'd like to go over a park. ( Hmmm ...we're actually being
couple of "to do's" with visitors and an- the church at a baseball game!).
swer any questions you may have. Mark Parents, if you have a child participat-
your calendar, grab refreshments and join ing in local summer sports, please
us in the sanctuary May 20th! contact Sharon Beksel.