Page 14 - May 2018 Traveler
P. 14
Gifts for Mission
Northern Illinois Synod
Generosity Sunday
Pentecost, May 20, 2018
What is “Gifts for Mission” Generosity Sunday?
The Northern Illinois Synod is on an exciting journey! The history of our synod has been one
of “mission” and the starting of new congregations. We take seriously the Great Commission
as our imperative for mission and the proclamation of the Gospel. The journey is exciting as
we are about God’s mission. “Gifts for Mission” Generosity Sunday is a synod-wide initiative
to replenish our Synod Mission Fund so that we might continue to be bold in the mission of
proclaiming the Gospel through new missions starts and redeveloping congregations in our
“Gifts for Mission” Generosity Sunday is a one-time ingathering of gifts from congregations
and members of our Northern Illinois Synod. By replenishing our Synod Mission Fund, we
will be able to continue our partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
providing resources to new mission congregations and to existing congregations as they seek to
renew their ministry. “Gifts for Mission” will enable our Northern Illinois Synod to continue
boldly living out the Great Commission.
What is the purpose of “Gifts for Mission”?
“Gifts for Mission” is an opportunity for generosity and growing in the mission of proclaim-
ing Jesus Christ. For a number of years, our synod has been blessed with a Synod Mission
Fund that has been used to provide partnership grants to help start new ministries in our synod
and assist existing congregations to renew their ministry. Our Synod Mission Fund is in need
of replenishment with gifts so that we might continue to provide funds for mission. Our “Gifts
for Mission” Generosity Sunday is a synod-wide and one-time ingathering of gifts to replenish
and renew our Synod Mission Fund.
How is “Gifts for Mission” different from our congregation’s regular Mission
“Gifts for Mission” is a “one-time” gift for the Northern Illinois Synod Mission Fund. This
fund is used to provide start-up funds and support for new congregations and redeveloping
congregations in the Northern Illinois Synod. Regular gifts of Mission Support are your con-
gregation’s offering given out of joy and thanksgiving for God’s grace in Christ and that
Christ’s love can be boldly proclaimed through the ongoing ministries we share as a synod.
Mission Support gifts are not used by the Synod Mission Fund.